O maior (e melhor!) do mundo Centro de Conhecimento de Unhas do mundo!

Conhecimento sobre unhas - Como surgiu

2 anos de planejamento e criação. Uma conversa casual entre Marian Newman e Kevin Nicholls. Kevin perguntou: "E quanto ao aprendizado animado?" Marian respondeu: "Ooo, isso poderia funcionar!"


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O herói desconhecido: Base Coat para unhas

O herói desconhecido: Base Coat para unhas

The Secret to a Perfect Manicure Using Base Coat Let’s dive deep into the world of nail care and explore the essential yet often underestimated hero of the perfect manicure, the base coat. In this blog, we’ll not only cover

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Faixa onicodérmica

Desvende os segredos da faixa onicodérmica

The Onychodermal Band We see it every day while we’re at work, but do we really know what it is? Let’s take a closer look at Doug Schoon’s illustration to get a better understanding. If we attempt to view it

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Unhas dos dedos tatuadas

A ciência por trás das tatuagens de unhas: Um guia abrangente

Nail art has evolved significantly in recent years, surpassing traditional manicures and pedicures. Tattoos have become a captivating trend, growing with heightened artistic expression. These miniature masterpieces empower individuals to express their distinctiveness through self-expression. But have you ever wondered

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Desenvolvimento das unhas fetais

Formação de unhas em fetos em desenvolvimento

From Tiny Beginnings: The Fascinating Journey of Nail Formation in Developing Fetuses Ever wondered how those tiny fingernails and toenails come to be on a developing fetus? It’s a fascinating journey that begins long before birth. In this article, we’ll

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