Amy Lambourne
Kỹ thuật viên làm móng chuyên nghiệp
Theresa Foddering
Chủ tiệm và người hướng dẫn
Sue McGlashan
Chuyên viên làm móng và làm đẹp
Tima Reshad
Chủ tiệm
Heather Mackenzie
Học sinh
Emily Geer
Chuyên gia và Giáo viên làm móng
Jennie Nippard
Chủ tiệm và người hướng dẫn
Luisa Ansell
Chuyên gia làm móng
Tabby Casto
Chuyên gia làm móng
Emily Geer
Chuyên gia và Giáo viên làm móng
Emily Geer
Chuyên gia và Giáo viên làm móng

Learning continuously makes you the best!!
I feel that I owe it to my clients to educate myself regularly, to ensure I know my stuff regarding nail health and everything in between. During my social media break I had to keep my mind busy so I signed up to the Nailknowledge course thinking it would take me an afternoon. How wrong was I!!!
This course is not only an essential for beginners in this industry but for experienced techs too. It took me 2 weeks of dipping into it every day to complete. And I can say I definitely learnt a thing or two!!! So, if your a nail tech please please look into completing this course. Everything in it should be taught as a basic on every nail course but unfortunately it isn’t. I hope this changes over time. You will learn so much in this course and you will feel more confident in nail applications and nail health for sure. The blogs that you also have access too and the extra information sheets in my opinion is worth every single penny! So thank you to Marian and the team behind this course, I absolutely loved it!!!

I just finished this course today & received my Diploma! I just wanted to say how wonderful it was! 🙂
I absolutely loved it & enjoyed it! You’ve done an amazing service to the nail industry with this project and I’m so greatful for all your hard work! Thankyou so much! You nailed it

Groundbreaking education delivered to you in the comfort of your own home from Marian Newman herself!
Its genius and like marian is personally talking to and educating you.
After every learning topic there is a test and you cant move on until you pass it, at the end theres an exam so you really are put through your paces! Dont try to rush through it, take your time.
If you have read Marians books, if you have listened to her talk at any seminar then you already know you are in for something special. Just the way marian explains everything will literally be like a million lightbulbs going off in your head!! Adding into the fact that your not just getting marians wealth of knowledge here but Doug schoon himself and Vitaly solomonoff too.
I was fortunate enough to be a tester for this course and it blew my mind! Genius(again) recap what you know, expand on it and learn so much more. This is exactly what it says on the tin, you either didnt learn it or didnt learn it very well the first time!
If you are serious about your career this is most definitely for you. Its one thing knowing application but you need the knowledge and the science behind it too.
Thank you marian this is just what the industry needed. You made magic happen and your book has come to life and then some.

The visuals and animations are absolutely mind blowing! Well done to Kevin Nicholls and Marian Newman and the rest of the team!

I’m delighted I had the opportunity to do this course, I really enjoyed the way it was set out.
I normally struggle to learn and I passed at 100% all the information included i felt I would find useful but also found it really interesting. Highly recommended anyone at any stage of their nail career to take this course. !

This course went beyond my expectations and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. So much so, I didn’t want it to end!
The animations were amazing and the content was perfectly pitched to meet all the different learning styles. Coming from a teaching background, it was so refreshing to see a fully inclusive approach to this type of education. I will definitely keep going back to this for a refresher with the lifetime access.
Tiến thêm một bước trong sự nghiệp làm móng của bạn
Cho dù bạn đang theo đuổi đam mê của mình, đang tìm kiếm thành thạo Hóa học sản phẩm hoặc muốn thêm một số trình độ để bạn khác biệt với những công việc khác người nộp đơn – NailKnowledge ở đây để hỗ trợ bạn.