O maior (e melhor!) do mundo Centro de Conhecimento de Unhas do mundo!

Conhecimento sobre unhas - Como surgiu

2 anos de planejamento e criação. Uma conversa casual entre Marian Newman e Kevin Nicholls. Kevin perguntou: "E quanto ao aprendizado animado?" Marian respondeu: "Ooo, isso poderia funcionar!"


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Verificação da saúde das unhas

Verificação da saúde das unhas

We are all aware of the allergy situation. Builder products are becoming more and more popular (not always appropriately). What is also becoming more popular are coloured/opaque builders.  Here is what is also happening far too often: allowing clients to

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A unha fúngica

A unha fúngica

The fungal nail is a very common sight for nail professionals. The medical term is Onychomycosis, and it means “a nail that is infected with a fungus”. Like many other medical terms, it is a Greek word. It is a

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Cosméticos: seguros ou inseguros

Cosméticos: seguros ou inseguros?

The official description of a “cosmetic” is: Article 2 of the UK Cosmetics Regulation (UKCR – Schedule 34 of the Product Safety and Metrology Statutory Instrument) and the EU Cosmetics Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009) incorporates the following definition of

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Gripe por imersão, sintomas de gripe do sistema de unhas por imersão

"Dip Flu"? Quem sabia?

The dip system is popular with many nail professionals. It does seem to be a bit like Marmite though: you either love it or hate it! Some like the strength it can provide. But the strength can prove to be

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Roer unhas e roer a pele

Roer unhas e roer a pele

As nail professionals, one of the most common types of “problem nails” we encounter is the bitten ones. Nail biting and skin biting typically begin in childhood and usually accelerate during adolescence. They then become a habit that can be

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