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Arquivos: NailKnowledge

Roer as unhas

O que é roer as unhas e quais são as causas? Roer as unhas também é conhecido como onicofagia, que deriva da palavra grega "phagos", que significa "comer". É a condição em que uma pessoa morde suas próprias unhas e, ocasionalmente, suas cutículas. Essa condição pode ser precursora de um tique nas unhas se não for tratada a tempo. Estresse ...

Roer as unhas LEIA MAIS


O que é pterígio e quais são suas causas? O pterígio é um distúrbio que ocorre devido a um crescimento excessivo da dobra ungueal proximal sobre o leito ungueal. Em casos graves, a placa ungueal acaba sendo substituída por tecido semelhante a uma cicatriz. A condição normalmente afeta a matriz da unha, o leito ungueal e a placa ungueal, mas, às vezes, todas as partes da unha são ...

Pterígio LEIA MAIS


What is Onychocryptosis and what causes it? Onychocryptosis is also known as ‘ingrown nail’, is a painful condition where a portion of the nail (typically a toenail) grows into the soft tissues of the nail folds, damages them and causes severe inflammation. In many cases a secondary infection occurs when the skin barrier is injured. …

Onicocriptose LEIA MAIS

Onicólise de revestimentos de unhas


Onycholysis What is Onycholysis and what causes it? Onycholysis, the separation of the nail plate from the nail bed, can be a painful condition. It is caused by the nail bed responding to an irritation an allergen or mechanical damage by creating keratinous structures and cornifying nail bed epithelium. This separates the nail from the …

Onicólise LEIA MAIS


Polymerisation Process Polymerisation is the chemical reaction that causes liquid monomer or oligomer molecules to transform into a solid, hard polymer. It is a process driven by energy, either heat energy, in the L&P and Fibreglass systems, or UV energy in the UV Gel system. There are several components in Polymerisation: Energy – needed to …

Polimerização LEIA MAIS

Sistemas de fibra de vidro

This is a three-part component system that uses a fabric mesh, resin and a resin activator to create artificial nail coatings. What’s in the fibreglass system? Fabric Mesh The fabric in this system provides a reinforced structure, acting like the polymer beads in the liquid monomer and polymer powder system, blocking cracks from spreading. Typically …

Sistemas de fibra de vidro LEIA MAIS

Sistemas de gel UV

UV gel polishes were introduced in 2012 and revolutionised the industry. The polish was dry by the time the clients left the salon and while the service took slightly longer than the traditional manicure, it lasted two to three weeks. This new product revitalised nail services, as the UV gel polish manicure is an enhanced …

Sistemas de gel UV LEIA MAIS

Distrofia lamelar

What is Lamellar Dystrophy and what causes it? This condition is also known as Onychoshizia or delamination or splitting nails. The condition can originate when the matrix area is injured or affected due to the systemic disease. However, in most cases the direct impact of some chemicals takes place and the layers of the nail …

Distrofia lamelar LEIA MAIS

O hiponíquio


This is the nail seal under the free edge of the nail plate at the distal edge of the finger. It forms a very tight seal that prevents bacteria and pathogens from entering the delicate and sensitive areas of the nail unit. There are many nerve endings within the hyponychium to act as a warning …

Hiponíquio LEIA MAIS

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