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Arquivos: NailKnowledge



The cuticle is created by the eponychium on the ventral (on underside) surface of the proximal nail fold.  The cuticle is formed of sticky dead skin cells that are shed by the living skin of the PNF just like the skin cells are from any surface of epidermis but instead of falling off in flakes, …

Cutícula LEIA MAIS


The eponychium is an area of specialised skin cells on the ventral side of the proximal nail fold that produce the cuticle. Living skin underneath the proximal nail fold, is a thin layer that stretches from the nail matrix almost up to the frame of keratinised epidermis at the edge of the proximal nail fold …

Eponíquio LEIA MAIS

Raio X da matriz da unha

Matriz para unhas

The nail matrix is the most important structure within the nail unit. This is where new nail plate cells are created and as these new cells are created, older cells are pushed forward and the nail plate grows. The shape and size of the matrix determines the thickness and width of the nail. The longer …

Matriz para unhas LEIA MAIS

O que é a dobra proximal da unha?

Dobra proximal da unha

The proximal nail fold is the layer of epidermis and dermis covering the nail matrix, from the proximal edge of the nail plate to the first joint of the finger. Where the proximal nail fold meets the nail plate, it folds back on itself to create a colourless, keratinised frame of epidermis which along with …

Dobra proximal da unha LEIA MAIS

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