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Are you qualified

Are You Qualified?


Are you Qualified? What a Massive Divide!

It doesn’t matter what country you are in, we have a problem!

Here in the UK, our problem is understanding the difference between a true ‘qualification’ and a training course that should be considered CPD (Continued Personal Development).

Although being insured is not mandatory here in the UK, it has become a ‘status’ that supports ‘accredited’ courses. The truth of the matter is that many ‘accredited’ courses cannot be transferred to any other insurer, nor be acknowledged by employers or other countries.

A ‘true’ qualification must follow the local ‘industry standards’. In the UK, it is the National Occupational Standards. This is the minimum requirement to be ‘job ready’.

The basic requirement is available here: https://www.ukstandards.org.uk/PublishedNos/SKABN1.pdf

It is essential that every nail practitioner has a ‘qualification’ based on the minimum requirements of their own countries’ regulated qualifications. This can take several weeks to many months. Anything less than this is a ‘CPD’ course designed for post-qualification. 

SO many people new to the industry are being ‘misled’ into believing these short courses qualify them! They don’t! Then there is the massive proliferation of basic questions on social media. How distressing when they get responses such as ‘are you trained’??
They thought they were!

It is NOT their fault! ‘You don’t know what you don’t know!’. But when you are presented with a client with a condition that you have no idea about…..? Confidence goes to the bottom! 

Can I suggest that learners (or even experienced) nail pros take a look at the NOS (as above) and see if their education has covered this? If not, do your own research. Learn about what you don’t know.

As a professional, your own due diligence is key. Make sure you update your lack of education. It is all here on NailKnowledge.

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