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Xuất huyết do dằm móng tay

Xuất huyết do mảnh dằm

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Many seem to be a bit confused about splinter haemorrhages and what they are.

So what are splinter haemorrhages?

Các giường móng tay has a rich blood supply in tiny capillaries as it is lớp hạ bì. When capillaries suffer any trauma they rupture and leak a little blood (this is what a bruise is). The nail bed has a series of rãnh that act as the attachment of the tấm móng tay to the nail bed. the blood leaks and it runs along one of the furrows and looks like a splinter.

Hence the name.

Splinter Haemorrages
Splinter Haemorrages

It is like a little bruise but constrained in a furrow

if you think of it like that you can see that any trauma to the nail bed can cause this to happen. If there are just one or two then it is just some minor damage.

Many of them have become a common sympton of an phản ứng dị ứng. This is because the chất gây dị ứng is, in effect, attacking the ma trận and the nail bed and causing these tiny ruptures. If there are lots of them on several fingers and no obvious reason for them it is worth having them medically checked as blood capillaries shouldn’t rupture without any reason so there could be an underlying health reason.

A few of them need not prevent a nail service, just be gentle. Obviously, a  suspected dị ứng does prevent a nail service until the allergen has been identified by a dermatological patch test.

How can we help with splinter haemorrhages?

Often, the condition doesn’t require any special treatment. They will grow out just like a bruise will.

In severe cases, clients should seek advice from a medical professional

Be sure to check out our Knowledgebase where our experts explain splinter haemorrhages in much more detail.

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