El mayor (¡y mejor!) del mundo Centro de conocimientos sobre uñas

Día: 17 de marzo de 2023

Curado del gel UV para uñas

La complejidad de curar los geles UV para uñas

I’ve noticed that many nail technicians tend to oversimplify the UV curing process for nail coatings and this has created misunderstandings. In my opinion, UV cured nail coatings are the most technically sophisticated and complex products in the beauty industry.  Many underestimate the various aspects of UV curing, including nail lamps. They don’t appreciate how …

La complejidad de curar los geles UV para uñas LEER MÁS

La MMA es peligrosa y por eso no debe utilizarse para fabricar uñas artificiales

This is false. The effect of exposure to humans is well understood Methyl methacrylate monomer (MMA) is used all around the world for dental prosthetics, contact lenses, and is even implanted into the body as a bone cement, so the effect of exposure to humans is well understood. MMA is NOT considered to be a …

La MMA es peligrosa y por eso no debe utilizarse para fabricar uñas artificiales LEER MÁS

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