O maior (e melhor!) do mundo Centro de Conhecimento de Unhas do mundo!

Conhecimento sobre unhas - Como surgiu

2 anos de planejamento e criação. Uma conversa casual entre Marian Newman e Kevin Nicholls. Kevin perguntou: "E quanto ao aprendizado animado?" Marian respondeu: "Ooo, isso poderia funcionar!"


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Hema, por que ela está sendo demonizada?

HEMA: por que está sendo demonizado?

HEMA (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) has become one of the most talked about ingredients over the last few years! It is an ingredient that is used in MANY products. Dentists use it, orthopaedic surgeons use it. It is also used in 3D

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Padrões ocupacionais nacionais: o que são?

It was officially announced recently that new NOS (National Occupational Standards) for Nail Services have been formally approved. See the Press Release HERE. This news received a great response but also lots of questions about what they actually are. Is

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A anatomia das unhas mudou?

Nail services e.g. manicure, nail enhancements etc. have evolved over decades. In each country they have evolved in many different ways. What one country believes to be safe another doesn’t. What one country uses for the nail unit terminology another

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