Inspired by Marians last blog about the difference between UV Sơn Gel and Nail Đánh bóng and the validity of traditional polish, I got to thinking about the options that are left for clients and thợ làm móng that have developed an dị ứng but still want gorgeous nails.
You’re going to need to work with products without acrylat, find a product that does not contain the chất gây dị ứng you are dị ứng to, or a gateway allergen that may make your life even more uncomfortable, and anno 2021 that’s going to be tricky but there are options. Let’s see if we can find a few to keep our salons open for ALL client’s allergy or no allergy.
We can talk about bảng dữ liệu an toàn another day – but let’s have a look at some products that contain NO allergens at all!
Sơn móng tay is a great option in combination with some nghệ thuật làm móng.
Times really have changed and there are some amazing sơn móng tay out there – almost hybrid but still air drying and without acrylates with the most amazing effects in them they are as good as any gel polish. Removing them is easy with axeton or traditional chất tẩy sơn.
It is however really important to only leave the nail polish on as long as the manufacturer says that the lớp sơn lót is going to last. Why is that important? Well nail polish, like all artificial nail products has an amount of time that it adheres well to the móng tay tự nhiên after a week, or even 2 weeks depending on the make the product, starts to breakdown and will develop little fractures – you don’t always see these cracks from the outside but every time you wash your hands (maybe 4-5 times a day) water will creep under the product and you could develop a surface nhiễm trùng nấm called Bệnh nấm móng nông màu trắng, not really something we want to do, especially when it can be easily avoided. Change your nail polish as often as recommended by the product manufacturer even if it still looks amazing.
Solid plastic lớp phủ móng tay
These are products that work like a sticker – that you can combine with nail varnish lớp phủ trên cùng or even a gel polish top coat or even no top coat. They require a little practice, effort to place and a heat source to make them adhere well to the natural nail, but once you’re done, it can and will stay on the tấm móng tay for a couple of weeks. They are available in some amazing designs and stunning chrome finishes; you remove them with acetone or carefully with nail oil and it’s a great product for toes too! Again, no nail damage and no allergies if applied and removed properly and it lasts for weeks.
You can combine ‘sliders’ with any nail varnish and there are so many designs they are all inexpensive and so gorgeous it will blow your mind.
Sliders are like the water decals used to be but so much better and can be used on any (nail)- product surface. Remove them with acetone along with the nail polish when you want to change them.
Stamping plates
There are stamping plates and stamping products that are world class – use them on any and all artificial nail products, nail varnish or the natural nail. There are so many amazing colors of stamping paint and so many designs – it’s fun, quick and looks amazing in just 6 easy steps.
Anything is possible, the only limit is your imagination – your clients will love all of the possibilities and its quick and easy. Your stamping art removes with acetone when you remove the nail polish.
Acrylic water paint (cosmetic quality)
Acrylic water paint, mix with water and use your dotting tool and get a little white retro flower with a yellow dot heart in it on a classic red nail polish et voila! Takes about 30 seconds and looks amazing!
You can even take it one step further and let the artist in you create more art with your acrylic water paint – this will need a good top coat to preserve it but also just removes with acetone.
Or just use (gorgeous) plain nail polish – it really is up to you and your client.
There are so many options still open to you, it could however be a little more challenging to find a place to get educated in nail polish product control, but they are out there – let’s be honest in a competition ring it is always important to apply nail polish perfectly and there are some amazing high quality brands out there.
In the salon, it just takes good planning because as the nail polish needs to dry well, so you will need an easy area for your clients to sit while waiting for it to dry – maybe with relaxing music, your clients will love it!
So, you don’t need to close your salon, offer great hand and foot massages, simple and effective natural nail services, manicures and chăm sóc móng chân and your salon will be trending in no time at all!