Lớn nhất (và tốt nhất!) Thế giới Trung tâm kiến thức làm móng

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Bệnh nấm móng nông màu trắng

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What is White Superficial Onychomycosis and what causes it?

Bệnh nấm móng nông màu trắng, often abbreviated to ‘WSO’, is a condition where white spots are seen on the superficial layer of the tấm móng tay; unlike Bạch móng though, these white spots can be filed off and are as a result of nhiễm trùng nấm rather than any ma trận dystrophy. The condition is commonly caused by a fungal species from the Trichophyton family and is highly infectious.

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Bất cứ ai.

Thợ làm móng có thể giúp gì?

The underlying fungal disease should be treated by a doctor, who will apply a topical anti-fungal agent.

It is highly infectious so any tools, surfaces or objects that have come in contact with the infected nail will need to be đã khử trùng.

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