Lớn nhất (và tốt nhất!) Thế giới Trung tâm kiến thức làm móng

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Viêm da

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Viêm da

What is Dermatitis and what causes it?

Viêm da is also known as bệnh chàm. The term represents a group of inflammatory skin diseases. In medicine, all terms with ending – TITIS – mean inflammations. Dermatitis can refer to any skin viêm nhiễm. Many unique factors may cause skin inflammations – biological, hóa chất, mechanical, physical and internal.

All hình thức of dermatitis effect the surface of the skin and there are common symptoms of inflammation – redness, swollen tissues, itchiness or pain. Inflammation of the nail ma trận hoặc giường móng tay is rare as the hệ miễn dịch of the nail prevents inflammation from developing.

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Thợ làm móng có thể giúp gì?

Whilst thợ làm móng can’t treat dermatitis, it is highly recommended they understand causes and know the ingredients in their cosmetic products that could trigger or worsen the condition. Treatment depends on the inflammatory factor. For instance, if dermatitis develops due to dị ứng it can be đã chữa khỏi by eliminating the chất gây dị ứng. However, other forms of the condition can become chronic and require regular prescribed medication from medical professionals.

A qualified and professional nail technician can help instigate the treatment process; if they can recognise contact dermatitis, dị ứng dermatitis and skin infectious dermatitis, especially in the early stages, they can advise a client to seek medical advice.

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