Lớn nhất (và tốt nhất!) Thế giới Trung tâm kiến thức làm móng

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Sản phẩm nào là nhựa bọc và không có gel nhẹ?

Bạn đang ở đây:


Câu hỏi:

What kinds of products are wrap resinsno light gels?

Trả lời:

Wrap resins are adhesives used with a wrap nail sự nâng cao system (silk, sợi thủy tinh, or linen). It is used to coat and secure the fabric to the móng tay tự nhiên and tip. Wrap resins are usually made from cyanoacrylate, and they need an activator (either chải-on, drops, or spray) to polymerize.

“No-light gel” is a marketing term used for some long-lasting sơn móng tay (usually consumer brands) that promise a salon-quality “gel-like” làm móng tay that lasts longer than traditional nail polishes and is air dried, therefore no need for a UV/Đèn LED. However, I have also seen a couple of brands advertising their wrap resin as a no-light gel.

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