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Anatomy and Physiology The Nail Unit

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This eBook is designed for both professional nail technicians who are committed to the care and well-being of their client’s fingernails and anyone interested in how the nail unit works and functions.

This eBook is designed for both professional nail technicians who are committed to the care and well-being of their client’s fingernails and anyone interested in how the nail unit works and functions.

By acquiring a deep understanding of the entire nail unit you can understand how to ensure its health.

In this eBook, we examine the fundamentals of nail anatomy, exploring the structures that make up the nail unit and their functions.

By understanding these components, you will be equipped with the knowledge to maintain and enhance their health.

We will explore the nail plate, nail bed, and surrounding tissues, each one of which plays a unique role in the health of the nail.

The nail plate, visible as the hard part of the nail, is more than just a canvas for nail polish or nail art; it serves as a natural protective shield.

The nail bed, lying beneath, is vital for supporting and nourishing the nail plate, and the surrounding tissues, including the cuticle and nail folds, which act as protective barriers against infections and injuries.

Maintaining the health of these structures is essential. Every action, from the simplest manicure to more complex treatments, has a direct impact on the nail’s health.

Whether you are a nail technician or a nail enthusiast, with the knowledge contained within this eBook, you can ensure everything you do results in not just beautiful nails but healthy ones too.

Tracy Anne Shelverton

Tracy is a hand health care specialist. She specialises in the anatomy and pathology of the hands and nail unit.
Tracy is a teacher for Oncology Hand Care and registered OHV’r at IKNL and Kanker.nl

Print Length

62 Pages



Publication Date



Tracy Anne Shelverton

4 đánh giá cho Anatomy and Physiology The Nail Unit

  1. Maria Carmo

    Incrível, toda pessoa que trabalha com unhas deve ler!

  2. Cristina M

    Uma leitura absolutamente OBRIGATÓRIA se você leva seu negócio de manicure a sério e deseja melhorar seu desempenho!

  3. Katia B

    Esse é um material obrigatório para todos os profissionais de unhas. Ele também deve ser lido por qualquer pessoa que queira fazer suas próprias unhas em casa.

  4. Tati T

    Uma leitura muito boa para todas as profissionais de unhas sérias. Informações factuais e confiáveis de uma profissional de verdade – sem achismos.

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