Lớn nhất (và tốt nhất!) Thế giới Trung tâm kiến thức làm móng

Dầu dưỡng móng tay được bôi trực tiếp lên móng mới sẽ khiến móng bị bong tróc.

Dầu dưỡng móng tay được bôi trực tiếp lên móng mới sẽ khiến móng bị bong tróc.


This is false when the sự nâng cao is properly applied; if not properly applied then this can be true.

A properly applied nail enhancement

When properly applied, artificial lớp phủ móng tay form a tight seal with the tấm móng tay, therefore nail oils cannot get underneath the lớp phủ to cause separation and nâng. The benefit of these natural oils is that they can penetrate into the surface of the nail enhancement to increase the nail coating’s flexibility and durability.

Apply nail oils daily

Penetrating nail oils should be applied daily, to keep the enhancement flexible, beautiful and to condition the surrounding living tissue.

If the artificial nail enhancement was improperly applied

If this was the case then there may be small areas of pre-existing separation between the coating and the nail plate (sự tách lớp). When this occurs, nail oils may seep underneath the coating to cause lifting.

Even so, there are clear and significant benefits to using nail oils on móng tay tự nhiên and artificial nail coatings. If there use leads to increased lifting of the enhancements, don’t discontinue use of the nail oil. Instead, carefully reexamine your techniques and ensure you are performing careful and proper nail preparation, including nail surface cleansing and properly applying and chữa bệnh the nail enhancement or coating products.

Hãy chắc chắn đọc bài viết của chúng tôi về những lợi ích của dầu dưỡng móng tay/biểu bì

Cuticle Oil Benefits
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