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Dải Onychodermal

Unlock the Secrets of the Onychodermal Band


Các Dải Onychodermal

We see it every day while we’re at work, but do we really know what it is? Let’s take a closer look at Doug Schoon’s illustration to get a better understanding.

If we attempt to view it from behind the cạnh miễn phí, it appears like this:

• The Onychodermal Band is non-living tissue. It’s an extension of the biểu mô giường.
• It has a gray-brownish color.

The Onychodermal Band: A Hidden Protective Barrier

Between the tấm móng taygiường móng tay lies the bed biểu mô. When the bed epithelium reaches the end of the giường móng tay and folds in on itself, it becomes the Onychodermal Band. This narrow, compacted tissue acts as an extra pathogenic barrier beneath the free edge of the nail plate. It hình thức a partnership with the dưới móng and together they become a super seal – it often goes unnoticed and is nearly invisible. You have to look closely to perceive it.

The Onychodermal Band is somewhat translucent, a thin layer beneath the distal edge (free edge) of the tấm móng tay, spanning the entire width of the tấm móng tay and bordering the visible white of the free edge.

The Onychodermal Band serves to prevent the smallest infectious organisms and contaminants from infiltrating the nail bed. If this protective tissue (pathogenic barrier) is breached, the nail plate separates from the nail bed causing bong móng and dramatically increasing the risk of infection.

Its partner in the đơn vị đóng đinhHạch dưới móng and that hyponychium is one of the four hải cẩu bảo vệ of the nail unit, designed to protect the giường móng tay from germs and other infections, such as nấm or yeast. While the dưới móng is composed of living epidermal tissue. It’s important to note that the Onychodermal Band is non-living tissue and needs to remain elastic to perform its job effectively.

Enhancing Elasticity: Applying Oil Behind the Free Edge for Nail Health

Applying oil behind the free edge, rather than on top of the nail plate, can help maintain the elasticity that is needed, even if the Onychodermal Band has already detached.

Cautionary Measures and Autoimmune Considerations for Nail Care

Beware when using an Efile to shorten the nail coming out of a nail enhancement behind the free edge or if you use a sharp instrument to clean under the free edge, might accidentally damage it, and you’ll immediately see the consequences as onycholysis.

Some auto immune diseases can also have an impact:

Bệnh vẩy nến
Lichen phẳng

These are all diseases that can affect the Onychodermal Band, the nail ma trận, the nail plate or the nail bed which then causes the seal to break. Applying oil behind the free edge is crucial because oil repels water keeps the guardian seal elastic and does not provide a source of nourishment for germs, offering excellent protection.

In this image, you can clearly see how psoriasis can affect it. When the ‘oil slick’ blister forms, the bed epithelium is directly affected by the upwards pressure of the blister dislodging it from the nail bed.  As the nail plate moves (perpetual motion) and the damaged bed epithelium gets closer to the free edge onycholysis is a fact and the nail bed is exposed to any and all tác nhân gây bệnh.

Sometimes, you may also notice that the hyponychium is pulled along with the Onychodermal Band. Something simple (but not always noticed) like product shrinkage can easily cause this to happen. If you recognize this happening, stop with your nail product until the hyponychium is recovered or find a more flexible product. Here, too, a good quality oil is your friend. If you work with a lớp biểu bì pusher or an hồ sơ điện tử in this area, you’re likely to cause more irritation.

The Onychodermal Band is of utmost importance for the overall health of the nail unit and must be treated with care. Being cautious during cleaning under the free edge is necessary. It’s better to clean with a soft chải and oil, always avoiding sharp objects under the free edge to keep the nail unit healthy.

Kết luận

The Onychodermal Band may go unnoticed in our daily lives, but it plays a crucial role in protecting our nails from infections and maintaining their overall health. Understanding its function and how to care for it is essential for nail health and hygiene. So, next time you’re working on your nails, remember the significance of the Onychodermal Band and treat it with the care it deserves to keep your nails looking and feeling their best.

Giỏ hàng

A smile line showing through the Nail Plate which is caused by Nail Bed Epithelium squeezing past the Hyponychium.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_9f16b70f5361b0cd305163ba5f6389c7":"

Bed Epithelium<\/div>
Nail Bed Epithelium\n

This is a thin layer of specialised epithelial tissue that sits on the nail bed and under the nail plate.

At the proximal end it is connected to the nail matrix. At the distal end it forms part of the hyponychium seal.

The onychodermal band is where it squeezes past this seal. It is also involved in the condition: hyperkeratosis which is a reaction to several aggressive factors.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_56b29414962b1272ec97da5eda2eebba":"

Nail Folds<\/div>
guardian nail seals\n

There are four Guardian Seals of the Nail Unit, also known as nail folds.
The first two are lateral nail folds to the left and right of the nail plate are there to hold the nail plate in place.
Nail folds are living skin barriers to protect us from invading pathogens.
The Proximal Nail Fold being the third Guardian Seal is there to protect the nail matrix and the eponychium from invading pathogens.
The Hyponychium is the fourth Guardian Seal.
All four Guardian Seals are important to maintain the integrity of the nail unit and need to be oiled on a regular basis to keep them elastic.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_f1900331d29da2f6edfcddc565366df5":"

Lichen Planus<\/div>
Diagram showing lichen planus on woman skin\n

Lichen planus is a condition that can cause swelling and irritation in the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes. Lichen planus occurs when your immune system attacks cells of the skin or mucous membranes. It's not clear why this abnormal immune response happens. The condition isn't contagious. It can have complications and a medical practitioner should be consulted<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_aafba9239165066267078e1636a978c6":"


Onycholysis<\/a>, a condition where the nail plate lifts from the nail bed. There can be many reasons for this, such as a fungal infection, mechanical damage, allergic reaction. Nails should be kept short and clean and a diagnosis of the cause sought from a medical practitioner.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_ab4313011d592bef769a0612daf67df9":"

The Hyponychium\n

The Hyponychium is the nail seal at the distal edge of the nail bed. A slightly thickened layer of skin, it lies beneath the free edge of the nail plate.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_1246a1b7fb9bed3e4702bd0168f71114":"

Nail plate<\/div>
Nail Plate\n

Hard layers of modified and keratinised skin cells, bonded together, to form a protective plate on the end of each finger and toe, that prevents damage to the underlying bone and allows for manual dexterity.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_3862ec5812109e89f2ef491358667ded":"

Free edge<\/div>

The free edge refers to the outermost part of the nail plate that extends beyond the fingertip or toe. It is the portion of the nail that is not attached to the nail bed or the surrounding skin. The free edge is typically trimmed and shaped during nail care routines and is susceptible to snapping or breaking off when subjected to excessive force or trauma.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_b3f25bf5945a3ed561fe93c3d08ef964":"


Epithelium is a type of tissue that forms the outermost layer of the body's organs, as well as the inner lining of cavities and surfaces throughout the body. It serves as a protective barrier and can have various shapes and functions depending on its location, such as absorbing nutrients in the intestines, secreting mucus in the respiratory tract, or providing a protective layer for the skin.<\/p>\n

Usage: \"The epithelium of the skin acts as a protective barrier against external factors, while the epithelium in the small intestine is specialized for nutrient absorption.\"<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_ac495df187bbf96e6482b41f45437ba1":"

Nail unit<\/div>
Nail Unit\n

The nail unit is an anatomically correct term used to describe the area at the end of fingers and toes. A relatively complicated area that protects the last bone and aids dexterity.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_f40c0a8d177feab9b9fd3ec8ba6ac4fc":"


Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic, non-contagious autoimmune disease with periodic manifestations in the form of severe skin lesions and dermatitis.\u00a0<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_c1a36df0013019a12f8f575de70e853d":"

Nail bed<\/div>
Nail Bed\n

An area of the nail unit under the nail plate consisting of Nail Bed Epithelium and Dermis.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_b1c0d6ac2b2d57b70735cc3036131694":"


A pathogen is the term used to describe an organism (any organism) that can produce disease. <\/p>\n

Viruses, Bacteria\u00a0and Fungi\u00a0are 3 typical pathogens that we can come into contact within the nail salon or podiatry practice.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_233aa7066306b249d62603794d4832bb":"


Keratinised and non-living skin cells of the proximal nail fold that seals the edge between the proximal nail fold and the nail plate creating an efficient seal at the base of the nail plate.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_e160220bb8f7c0e0c2e10535303cf6fd":"


A type of reusable template that is placed under the free edge of the natural nail to guide the application of acrylic or gel product, helping to create a consistent and symmetrical shape.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_d2b9d2268175e3b727169bb952f88b12":"


A type of microorganism that can grow on and infect nails, causing discoloration, thickening, and other symptoms.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_71cdf3654c42b4e67b46e20938152d6d":"


Eczema is the most common form of dermatitis - it's sometimes known as atopic dermatitis when it becomes a chronic skin condition.<\/p>\n

It causes an inflammation of the skin possibly accompanied by redness, rash, or blisters. Long term eczema can also cause a thickening of the skin.<\/p>\n

The most important (first aid) treatment for eczema is hydration of the skin, not with water but deep-penetrating creams.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_a94c3bad4f9dcf2a5f6fcaba474a9914":"

The Nail Matrix\n

The area, beneath the proximal nail fold ,where stem cells modify skin cells into the cells of the nail plate.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_08ad98412a9ffb1f23068a4ab1ec1c62":"


This is a electrical piece of equipment using \u2018bits\u2019 of various shapes and abrasiveness used to shape or remove nail overlays or enhancements.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_be3931e712d61dbc905165a4257ef0c9":"


There are many different brushes needed by a nail professional. e.g an L&P brush which needs to be a natural Kolinsky sable brush so it can hold the monomer liquid and pick up the polymer powder as a bead; UV gel brushes are usually nylon or other man made fibre. Nail art brushes are usually a variety of natural fibres. All have different uses and all much be kept clean to provide long usage.<\/p>\n<\/div>"}}; -->