Lớn nhất (và tốt nhất!) Thế giới Trung tâm kiến thức làm móng

Móng mọc ngược và mọc ngược

Móng tay mọc ngược và mọc ngược


First, we must define the difference between ingrowing and ingrown nails, as the treatment is not always the same for both. 

*It’s important to note that we only work on open wounds after an MD has approved or recommended the client or patient to us, and doing so with success prevents painful invasive surgery.

Ingrowing nails are caused by changes in the curvature of the móng tay tự nhiên plate, splintering of the lateral tấm móng tay, or changes in the đơn vị đóng đinh skin structure. That is the root cause for ingrowing nails. Ingrown nails are caused by ignoring or not properly treating ingrowing nails. 

When it comes to ingrowing or ingrown nails, we usually think of toenail problems in the feet. When we mention toenail problems or nail problems, we turn into strange beings. ‘Cover up’ is the name of the game, with ‘denial’ being our best friend. However, when we really think about it, we see that sometimes situations occur that we have no control over.

We also tend to be embarrassed about foot infections of any kind and, therefore, we tend to act too slowly. 

In the real world where most of us live, there comes a moment in time when you can’t reach your feet to take care of them. Or maybe life just got in the way. You find yourself suddenly living alone when your partner always took care of your feet. Or you broke your hip, and there is no way for the next 6 months you are coming anywhere close to being able to take care of your feet. Or maybe you got some kind of nhiễm trùng nấm at the swimming pool, and you are too embarrassed to let anyone see it…. And that’s where the story begins.

With fingernails, we tend to act sooner. However, we do not always do it in the right manner, causing a recurrence of the problem. Móng tay xước are a perfect example of nail plate problems in the lateral nếp gấp móng tay that is so common yet, somehow, we choose an inadequate solution like cutting it away with a sharp tool causing the problem to reoccur. Good maintenance of the nail unit, and regular use of dầu biểu bìnước thơm, are important to help prevent reoccurrence.

We can temporarily help with nail unit taping – this will not solve the problem. Or we can use a nail brace or composite resin to relieve the problem.

General reasons for ingrowing or ingrown nails are:

It can be that the nail plate structure has been compromised by overfilling, causing the nail plate structure to collapse or splintering of the nail plate in the nếp gấp móng tay bên (we see this more often in fingernails). It can also be that the structure of the nail plate has been compromised by an accident, or even biting of the nail plate or lateral nếp gấp móng tay.

Cutting out the corner of an ingrowing nail may give instant relief for about 30 seconds. Then, an infection will generally be the result. When we do this, we forget that the nail plate is in continuous movement 24/7. This causes the cut edge of the nail plate to dig into the paronychium cup causing even more problems. 

Not being able to maintain hand/foot is an added complication. Proper education and training are essential to correctly applying handmade braces or composite resin to correct ingrown or ingrowing nail plates. But it will prevent invasive and painful surgery 8/10 times.

Giỏ hàng

Side nail seals along the lateral edges of the nail plate.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_e7431d1154dd66f12c8e0559215cd86c":"

Fungal infection<\/div>
nail fungus, fungal infection on a toenail\n

A type of infection caused by a fungus, which can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, nails, and hair. Fungal infections <\/a>are typically characterized by symptoms such as itching, redness, and inflammation, and can be treated with antifungal medications. Some common types of fungal infections include athlete's foot, ringworm, and onychomycosis<\/a> (fungal infection of the nails).<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_b83fe4716b705543bfab0a24e35481af":"

Distal phalanx<\/div>
Distal Phalanx\n

The last bone (or phalanx) on the end of each finger or toe.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_2148207913ecc1f48ed0c13e7ab96a1b":"

Alopecia areata\n

This is a condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles resulting in hair loss. It is most common on the scalp but it can affect other areas of the body. There are different types of alopecia:
Alopecia areata, also known as\u00a0spot baldness, in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body. Often, it results in a few bald spots on the scalp.
In a few cases, all the hair on the scalp is lost (alopecia totalis), or all body hair is lost (alopecia universalis), and loss can be permanent.

Natural nail<\/div>
natural nails\n

The nail that is produced by the nail matrix and covers the end of the finger or toe.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_f1900331d29da2f6edfcddc565366df5":"

Lichen Planus<\/div>
Diagram showing lichen planus on woman skin\n

Lichen planus is a condition that can cause swelling and irritation in the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes. Lichen planus occurs when your immune system attacks cells of the skin or mucous membranes. It's not clear why this abnormal immune response happens. The condition isn't contagious. It can have complications and a medical practitioner should be consulted<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_9ab5f592fd79b04dc5842d24fb2f7ece":"

Ingrown nail<\/div>

An\u00a0ingrown nail is an often painful condition in which the\u00a0nail\u00a0grows so that it cuts into one or both sides of the\u00a0paronychium\u00a0or\u00a0nail bed. While ingrown nails can occur in the nails of both the hands and the feet, they occur most commonly with the\u00a0toenails\u00a0(as opposed to\u00a0fingernails) and, for the most part, are mainly problematic and painful on the\u00a0big toe.<\/p>\n

It is also known as\u00a0onychocryptosis,\u00a0from\u00a0the Greek words\u00a0\u1f44\u03bd\u03c5\u03be\u00a0(onyx<\/em>) 'nail' and\u00a0\u03ba\u03c1\u03c5\u03c0\u03c4\u03cc\u03c2\u00a0(kryptos<\/em>) 'hidden'.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_1246a1b7fb9bed3e4702bd0168f71114":"

Nail plate<\/div>
Nail Plate\n

Hard layers of modified and keratinised skin cells, bonded together, to form a protective plate on the end of each finger and toe, that prevents damage to the underlying bone and allows for manual dexterity.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_83c2e0027d148c1e3bf3798ab243599c":"

Cuticle oil<\/div>
cuticle oil\n

Cuticle oil is a moisturizing and conditioning product for nails and cuticles. It is most commonly made up of vegetable oils, which absorb better into the nails and skin. However, there are also cuticle oils made from mineral oils, which stay on the skin creating a barrier keeping the existing moisture within.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_703354696de36d696d747ae686d308b5":"


Paronychium: The area of skin surrounding the nail bed, also known as the nail fold. This area can become inflamed or infected, leading to a condition known as paronychia.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_ac495df187bbf96e6482b41f45437ba1":"

Nail unit<\/div>
Nail Unit\n

The nail unit is an anatomically correct term used to describe the area at the end of fingers and toes. A relatively complicated area that protects the last bone and aids dexterity.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_84ba29396000340350d63b1df5e4c15b":"


Spikes of nail or skin in the sidewalls of a nail.\u00a0<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_f40c0a8d177feab9b9fd3ec8ba6ac4fc":"


Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic, non-contagious autoimmune disease with periodic manifestations in the form of severe skin lesions and dermatitis.\u00a0<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_d2e367609740dbdcb1fc013f2ed24e9d":"

Rheumatoid ArthritisA general term referring to any disorder that affects the joints. The usual symptoms are joint pain and stiffness, but there can also be redness, swelling, and decreased range of motion.\nAlthough there are over 100 types of arthritis, the most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.<\/div>","cmtt_56b29414962b1272ec97da5eda2eebba":"
Nail Folds<\/div>
guardian nail seals\n

There are four Guardian Seals of the Nail Unit, also known as nail folds.
The first two are lateral nail folds to the left and right of the nail plate are there to hold the nail plate in place.
Nail folds are living skin barriers to protect us from invading pathogens.
The Proximal Nail Fold being the third Guardian Seal is there to protect the nail matrix and the eponychium from invading pathogens.
The Hyponychium is the fourth Guardian Seal.
All four Guardian Seals are important to maintain the integrity of the nail unit and need to be oiled on a regular basis to keep them elastic.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_c7d08ac82eb8e0ea8cd0e09c09590f44":"

Nail fold<\/div>

The fold of skin at the base and sides of the nail plate.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_6d583362bb50567c57d0fd777854777a":"

Diabetes in the nail salon\n

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that occurs when the body cannot properly produce or use insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin is produced by the pancreas and allows glucose (sugar) to enter cells where it is used for energy.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_2ae2a5a730f9a5ec8dd0c72128dbb020":"

hand lotion\n

A lotion\u00a0is a low-viscosity\u00a0product intended for application to the\u00a0skin. \u00a0<\/p>\n

Although there are many types of lotions,\u00a0hand lotions\u00a0and\u00a0body lotions\u00a0are meant to simply smooth, moisturize, soften and, sometimes, perfume the skin.<\/p>\n<\/div>"}}; -->