Chuyên gia làm móng are very creative people, willing to constantly learn new things, and great at multitasking. They are artists, technicians, psychologists, you name it! However, there are two words that simply terrify them: nail retail.
Other professionals in the beauty industry, like aestheticians and hair stylists, are great at retail. On the other hand, nail professionals seem to struggle, and some do not even believe this is an option for them. But why is nail retail so important?
The first reason is self-explanatory: increased earnings. With retail, you can increase your income without spending more time on services. In addition, client retention can increase by 30%, as your clients feel more pampered, which translates into loyalty.
Aim to incorporate the retail items into the service you provide, in the form of homecare. Homecare maintains the results of the service for a longer period of time, resulting in increased client satisfaction. It is a great way to showcase your expertise and professionalism and build trust. As a result, you will sell more (both services and products).
I know, I know… Many will argue that they are not sales people, and they feel they would look desperate or pushy. If you belong in this group, I am here to tell you that you are looking at it all wrong! Nail retail is not about selling. Nail retail is about supporting your clients, fulfilling their needs, and solving problems for them. Therefore, you are being the expert that they would expect you to be!
The key is to have nail retail items available in brands that you trust and that you are already using as part of your services. While you are providing said services, explain to your clients what it is that you are using and why. Instead of talking about their love life or their latest vacation, talk about how the products you are using are benefiting them. What difficulties are they experiencing that you can solve? Móng tay giòn? Dry skin? Móng tay xước? Think of the benefits of your products and how they can help the client. Do not list the features! Your clients do not care if the lotion you are using has 79 vitamins, sweat from an almost extinct frog, and blessings from a 130 year old nun. What they do care about is how this lotion is going to make their skin soft and smooth and glowy!
Stock your shelves with your favorite nail oil, lớp biểu bì treatment, nail strengthener, kem dưỡng da tay, and foot creams. Make sure to also have dũa móng tay available, as well as your special moisturizing remover, and of course sơn móng tay. So talk to your clients. Educate them. Then find their “pain points” and give them solutions with nail retail. And watch your business grow as your clients rave about you!