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What is Hapalonychia and what causes it?

Hapaloníquia também é conhecido como 'unhas com casca de ovo‘. A person with this condition will experience symptoms of thin, soft curved and unhas quebradiças. The condition effects the nail matriz e o leito ungueal. Causes of Hapalonychia include malnutrition, artrite reumatoide, systemic diseases such as Raynaud syndrome, some medications and, also occasionally, diseases of the nervous system.

A quem isso afeta?

Anyone who suffers from diseases that can cause specific changes to the nail units.

Como os técnicos de unhas podem ajudar?

The condition is medical and can only be treated by a medical professional. The disease is not transmissible; a quality, safe and hygienic manicure./pedicure can be performed by a Técnico de unhas.

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