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Meus clientes devem lavar as mãos antes de eu aplicar o óleo?

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Question: I’ve just read the good meets bad technique blog. I did my aprimoramento training and o esmalte em gel training separately but with the same company. I’ve been taught to wash hands before oiling for gel enhancements, but not for gel esmalte. Should I be washing for both for safety?

There are a few steps to consider here:
– With Aprimoramentos com gel UV it is advisable to wash the hands after final shaping but before the final topcoat to remove any dust from the skin. (A dust pincel. is not as accurate as washing, it can bring oils from the skin down onto the nails and a clean one should be used for each client)
– If you used a ‘builder’ in your O esmalte em gel polish service and shaped it, then the same would apply as for enhancements.
– For just a UV gel polish, for safety, it is worth washing the hands after cleaning the camada de inibição but before oiling in case any monômeros from the layer have got onto the skin.

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