How long can I see the NailKnowledge course?
You have a lifetime access to the course and can revisit it as often as you like.
Is this course accredited?
Regulated and unregulated (accredited) courses are Qualifications. NailKnowledge is a SUPPORT or learning resource for a qualification. It is knowledge and understanding and does not include any practical nor application
skills that are needed for any qualification in the professional nail industry.
NailKnowledge issue their own Diploma but it states quite clearly what has been achieved. The topics covered by NailKnowledge follow the National Occupational Standards closely, if not far more. There is no reason the quality assurance of both regulated and unregulated qualifications will not accept the NK Diploma as proof of the required knowledge of these topics.
What is the best way of learning from NailKnowledge
The course is designed to address every style of learning: the written word, the spoken work, and animations to bring the topics to life. We suggest you do NOT go through it as quickly as possible! This is not making the best use of it. Take it slowly and make notes, draw diagrams, and do not move on until you believe you have a good understanding of the topic covered. The Knowledge Points and Knowledge Checks will help you with this.
You can revisit the Lessons and segments as often as you like. Then we suggest you take the whole course again in a couple of months to make sure the knowledge has stayed with you.
How long is the course
There are 3 Masterclasses each with 5 or 6 Lessons, 16 in all. The Lessons are from 10 mins to over 30mins. It depends on how long you want to take learning.
There is more than 5 hours of video to enjoy but there are lots of Knowledge Points and Knowledge Checks to pass before you can move on.
We recommend you take your time and watch the Lessons a couple of times to make the best use of the Course.
What happens if I miss some of the Lesson?
There is a scroll bar at the bottom of each segment. This allows you to scroll back and forward in each segment. It will not, however, allow you to scroll past the Knowledge Points nor the Knowledge Check if you haven’t already passed it.
What are Knowledge Points?
These are short interactive learning checks relating to the segment you have just watched. They need to be passed with 100% pass rate in order to move onto the next segment.
What happens if I don’t pass the Knowledge Point?
You have 2 tries at the knowledge point. If you fail both it will take you back to the beginning of the segment to learn it again.
What are Knowledge Checks?
These are a test of 5 questions at the end of each Lesson. It marks them ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ as you answer. This must be passed with 100% before moving onto the next Lesson or Masterclass.
What happens if I don’t pass the Knowledge Check?
You can have as many tries at this as you need.
What is the Diploma Exam?
This is an exam of 30 questions on each of the Masterclasses. To pass this you need to achieve 80%. A table will be produced letting you know how you did on each topic.
What happens if I fail the Diploma Exam?
You will be offered another try and the table produced will show you which areas you failed on. We suggest you revisit the specific Lessons to make sure you understand the topic. If you fail the 2nd attempt you will not be able to retake it for 2 weeks so use the time to return to the course.
What happens when I pass my Diploma Exam?
Your Diploma certificate will be generated that you can download and print.
Can I take the course on my phone or tablet?
Yes you can but we would suggest that you use a tablet of computer and the ‘full screen’ facility to get the best learning experience.
The program won’t run properly and keeps skipping!
This program is best watched using the Chrome Browser. If it is still not running smoothly we suggest you clear your cache as that may be causing a problem for it. There are more detailed instructions here to help you with this issue.
Can I send this course to my friend?
No you can’t. This is a single user only. The system will pick up that there is another user logged in, they will not be able to make use of all the knowledge checks nor achieve their own Diploma.
What if I get stuck during the program?
If you are part of a student group with an Educator contact them and they will help you. Or, if you are a single user there is a contact button to ask for help. Someone from NailKnowledge will be able to help you.
Learning difficulties
If a student of NailKnowledge does not have the support of their personal Educator, NailKnowledge will provide specific help and assistance for those with learning difficulties. Please contact us via the email link on the website.