- Abrasive
- ABS plastic
- Accelerator
- Accent Nail
- Accreditation
- Acetone
- Acid
- Acid free
- Acrylates
- Acrylic dip powder
- Acrylic Overlay
- Acrylics
- Acupressure
- Acute effect of exposure
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Add-on services
- Adhesive
- Agnail
- Air Purification
- Airbrush
- Alcohols
- Alkaline
- allantoïne
- Allergen
- Allergic
- Allergic contact dermatitis
- Allergic hypersensitivity
- Allergic reaction
- Allergy
- Almond nails
- Almond oil (sweet almond oil)
- Aloe Vera
- Alopecia
- Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA)
- Aluminium Foil Wraps
- American manicure
- Amino acids
- Angular brush
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-fungal
- Anti inflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Antigen
- Antimicrobial
- Antiseptic
- Antiseptic Solution
- Apex
- Apex
- Apprenticeship
- Apricot Kernel Oil
- Arch
- Argan oil
- Aromatherapy
- Arthritis
- Artificial Nail Remover
- Asymmetrical Nails
- At-home Manicure
- Athlete’s foot
- Atopic dermatitis (or atopic eczema)
- Autoclave
- Avocado oil
- Avulsion
- Ayurveda
- Azulene
- Backfill
- Bacteria
- Bactericidal
- Ballerina nails
- Barbicide
- Base
- Base Coat
- Beau’s Lines
- Bed Epithelium
- Benzophenone-1
- Benzoyl Peroxide
- Biotin
- Blending
- Bonder
- Botanical
- Brazillian manicure
- Breathing Zone
- Bridal nails
- British Beauty Council
- Brittle Nails
- Bruised Nails
- Brush
- Brush-on gel
- Buffer
- Buffing
- Buffing creams
- Bunion
- Butyl Acetate
- C-Curve
- Callus
- Callus removal (mechanical)
- Callus remover (topical)
- Calluses and corns
- Camphor
- Candidal Onychomycosis
- Carbide
- Carcinogen
- Cardiovascular System
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: CTS
- Cartilage
- CAS number
- Catalyst
- Centipoise
- Chamois Buffer
- chelating surfactant
- Chemical
- Chemical peel
- Chemistry
- Chloronychia
- Chronic health condition
- Citric acid
- Cleanser
- Coating
- Coffin Nails
- Coffin nails
- Collagen
- Coloured acrylic
- Coloured UV Gel
- Combustible
- Contact dermatitis
- Continuing education
- Contraindications
- Copolymers
- Corn
- Corrosive
- Cosmetic Ingredients Review (CIR)
- Cosmetics
- Covalent bond
- Covid 19
- Cross-linked polymer
- Cross-linkers
- Crystal files
- Crystallization
- Cumulative trauma disorders
- Cure / Curing
- Curette
- Curing agent
- Custom blending
- Cuticle
- Cuticle oil
- Cuticle remover
- Cyanoacrylate
- Cytostatica
- Dappen dish
- Day Spa
- Dead Sea Salts
- Decontamination
- Dehydrator
- Delamination
- Dermatitis
- Dermatofyten
- Dermatologist
- Dermatophyte
- Dermis
- Desquamation
- Destination Spa
- Detailer Brush
- Diabetes
- Diabetic Clients
- Diamond Bit
- Dip system
- Discolored Nail
- Discount Salons
- Disinfection
- Distal phalanx
- Dry Manicure
- Dyshidrosis
- e-file
- E-File Bit
- Eczema
- Edema
- Eggshell nails
- Embed
- Embellishment
- Emery board
- Enhancement
- EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
- EPA-registered disinfectant
- Epidermis
- Epithelium
- Eponychium
- Erythronychia
- Esters
- Esters
- Esthetician
- Ethyl Acetate
- Ethyl methacrylate
- Ethyl Tosylamide
- Eucalyptus
- Exfoliation
- Exothermic
- Eyelash glue
- Fan brush
- Fantasy nail art
- Far UVC (222nm)
- Fast set acrylics
- Ferrule
- Fiber Base
- Fiberglass
- Fill-in
- Fish pedicure
- Flammable liquids
- Fluid Accumulation
- Formaldehyde
- Formaldehyde resin
- Formalin
- Forms
- Free edge
- French manicure
- Full-service salon
- Fumes
- Fungal infection
- Fungicidal
- Fungicide
- Fungus
- Furrows
- Ganglion Cyst
- Gel nails
- Gel polish
- Germicide
- Gestation
- Ginseng
- Glitter
- Glue
- Glycerin
- Glycolic acid
- Green tea
- Green Nail Syndrome
- Greenies
- Grit
- Habit-tic
- Haglund's deformity
- Hammertoe
- Hand massage
- Hangnails
- Hapalonychia
- Haptens
- Hazardous ingredient
- Healing oils
- Heat spike
- Heller’s Median Nail Dystrophy
- Hematoma
- Hemorrhage
- Hemp seed oil
- Hepatitis C
- High shine
- Humectant
- Hydrate:
- Hydrophilic
- Hydrophobic
- Hyperhidrosis
- Hyperkeratosis
- Hypoallergenic
- Hyponychium
- Immune system
- Infill
- Inflammation
- Ingrown nail
- Inhibition Layer
- Inhibitors
- Initiators
- Inorganic
- Intercellular
- Intrinsics
- Inverse pterygium
- Irritant
- Itraconazole
- Japanese manicure
- Jasmine
- Jojoba oil
- Juliette Wrap
- Jumpeer
- Keratin
- Keratinised
- Koilonychia
- Kolinsky
- Lacquer
- Lactic acid
- Lamellar dystrophy
- Laminate
- Lamisil
- Lamoon
- Lanolin
- Lateral nail folds
- Lavender
- LD50
- Lecithin
- LED lamp
- Legislation
- Leukonychia
- Licensing
- Lichen Planus
- Licorice root
- Lifting
- Light cure
- Line work
- Linen wrap
- Liner brush
- Lipid
- Liquid and powder
- Liquid resins
- Local exhaust
- Lotion
- L&P
- Lunula
- Lymphatic System
- Manicure
- Manicure table
- Manicurist
- Mask
- Matrix
- Mechanical exfoliation
- Medical pedicure
- Medispa
- Mee's Lines
- Melanonychia
- Menthol
- Metacarpals
- Metatarsals
- Methacrylates
- Methacrylic acid
- Methyl methacrylate
- Methyl Methacrylate (MMA)
- Methylene chloride
- Mica
- Micro Buffer
- Microdermabrasion
- Mineral oil
- Mobile Nail Pro
- Moisturizer
- Monomer liquid
- Monomers
- Moon manicure
- Muehrcke's Lines
- Multi-media
- Mycobacteria
- Mycobacterium fortuitum
- Myxoid Cyst
- Nail anatomy
- Nail Art
- Nail bar
- Nail bed
- Nail bed epithelium
- Nail bed injury
- Nail biting
- Nail care
- Nail care routine
- Nail clubbing
- Nail coatings
- Nail dehydrator
- Nail disease
- Nail disorder
- Nail drill
- Nail dust
- Nail file
- Nail fold
- Nail Folds
- Nail forms
- Nail Glue
- Nail Grooves and Depressions
- Nail lacquer
- Nail lamp
- Nail mantle
- Nail plate
- Nail plate cells
- Nail polish
- Nail prep
- Nail primer
- Nail professional
- Nail spike
- Nail stamping
- Nail strengthener
- Nail technician
- Nail tips
- Nail trauma
- Nail treatment
- Nail tumor
- Nail unit
- Nail walls
- Nail wrap
- Nail wrap
- Nanometers
- Nanotechnology
- Natural nail
- Natural nail care
- Nippers
- Nitrocellulose
- No-Light Gel
- No light gel
- Non-acetone polish remover
- Non-acid primer
- Non-toxic
- Odorless acrylics
- Oligomer
- Oligomers
- Ombre
- Onychauxis
- Onychia
- Onychocryptosis
- Onychodermal band
- Onychodystrophy
- Onychogryphosis
- Onycholysis
- Onychomadesis
- Onychomycosis
- Onychorrhexis
- Onychoschizia
- Onychosis
- Organic
- Osmosis
- Oval nails
- Over-cured
- Overexposure
- Overheads
- Overlay
- Oxidisation
- Ozone
- Panthenol
- Papaya
- Parabens
- Paraffin
- Paraffin wax treatment
- Paronychia
- Paronychium
- Party Nails
- Patch Testing
- Pathogen
- Pedi Spa
- Pedicure Equipment
- Pedicures
- Perionychium
- Peripheral Artery Disease
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- pH
- Phalanges
- Photoinitiators
- Photosynthesis
- Phthalates
- Pigment
- Pincer nails
- Pink and whites
- Plantar Warts
- Plasticizers
- Podiatric
- Podiatrist
- Polish
- Polish dryer
- Polish remover
- Polish thinner
- Polymer powder
- Polymerization
- Polymers
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Press on nails
- Proper cure
- Proximal nail fold
- Pseudomonas
- Psoriasis
- Pterygium
- Pulmonary System
- Rebalance
- Regulated Qualifications
- Round nails
- Rubber Base Coats
- Russian manicure
- Russian sable hair
- Salicylic acid
- Salicylic acid
- Salicylic acid
- Sanitation
- Sanitizer
- Sanitizable
- Sculpting gel
- Sculptured nails
- Seals
- Self-leveling
- Sensitization
- Sensitizer
- Service breakdown
- Shea butter
- Shellac
- Sidewall
- Silicon carbide
- Silk peptide
- Silk protein
- Ski jump nails
- Skin absorption
- Skin cancer
- Skin ulcer
- Smile line
- Soak Off
- Soak-off gels
- Solenonychia
- Solvents
- Soy
- Spa
- Special needs client
- Splinter haemorrhages
- Spoon nails
- Spore
- Squalane
- Squalene
- Square nails
- Squoval
- Squoval nails
- Steamer (nail steamer)
- Stearalkonium hectorite
- Stencil
- Sterilization
- Sterilizer
- Stiletto nails
- Stiletto nails
- Stippling
- Stratum corneum
- Structure
- Styrene-Acrylate
- Tack-free
- Tacky layer
- Tea tree oil
- Terminal hair
- The Federation of Nail Professionals
- Thin nails
- Thixotropic
- Thixotropy
- Tinea unguium
- Titanium Dioxide
- Toluene
- Top Coat
- Tosylamide-Formaldehyde Resin
- Toxic
- Toxicity
- Triphenyl Phosphate (TPHP)
- Trade show
- Transepidermal Water Loss
- Transungual Water Loss
- Tosylamide Formaldehyde Resin (TSFR)
- Tuberculocidal
- Tweezers
- Ultraviolet light (UV light)
- Under-cured
- Undercured
- Unhealthy nails
- Unregulated Qualifications
- Upper arch
- Urea
- UV-A
- UV-B
- UV Gel
- UV Lamp
- UV spectrum
- UV top coat
- UV-C
- Vaccine
- Vapour
- Ventilation system
- Veruca
- Virucidal
- Virus
- Viscosity
- Vitamin E
- Volar Surface
- Volatile
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
- Walk-in
- Waterless manicure
- Wattage
- Waxing
- Wrap Resins
- Wraps
- White Superficial Onychomycosis (WSO)
- Xerotic (xerosis)
- Yeast Infection
- Yellow nail syndrome
- Yellowing
- Ylang-ylang
- Zinc