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Lamellar Dystrophy

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What is Lamellar Dystrophy and what causes it?

This condition is also known as Onychoshizia or delamination or splitting nails. The condition can originate when the matrix area is injured or affected due to the systemic disease. However, in most cases the direct impact of some chemicals takes place and the layers of the nail split or peel at the nail edge.

Lamellar Dystrophy can be caused by harsh chemicals or frequent wetting, diseases including psoriasis, protein deficiency, fashion diets, pregnancy, injury, or improper use of nail products.

Who does it affect?

Mostly women, older individuals, nurses, hairdressers, nail biters.

How can nail technicians help?

The condition can be successfully cured if the source of the problem is found. A nail professional can significantly help to treat this condition along with a doctor’s recommendations. You can offer hot oil manicure, massage of the cuticle area, cuticle oils, hydrating lotions, nail edge sealing. Nail gels, polishes and other nail coatings also show perfect results when used properly as they can also play the protective role for nails.

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This condition is also known as Onychoshizia or delamination or splitting nails, which along with Onychorrhexis, it is part of Brittle Nail Syndrome.\u00a0<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_9a70e3412c261ddbeb84fc7796fa7085":"

Nail delamination\n

The nail plate consists of many layers of nail cells. A dryness or even a minor trauma on the distal edge of the nail plate can cause the bonds between the layers to break. It is also known as peeling nails.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_f40c0a8d177feab9b9fd3ec8ba6ac4fc":"


Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic, non-contagious autoimmune disease with periodic manifestations in the form of severe skin lesions and dermatitis.\u00a0<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_e14623b52242301c74ec968ef95bc259":"


A chemical is a form of matter that can exist as a gas, a solid, a liquid or plasma. Everything in the universe is a chemical except for energy: heat and light. We are made of 100% chemicals; the air is full of chemicals; water is a chemical. Marketing terms that use \u2018chemical free\u2019 are misleading and just wrong. NOTHING except energy is chemical free. It is a way for marketers to provide a false sense of security that is, plainly, unethical.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_a94c3bad4f9dcf2a5f6fcaba474a9914":"

The Nail Matrix\n

The area, beneath the proximal nail fold ,where stem cells modify skin cells into the cells of the nail plate.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_f00b3885820d8ff0625113ec4f5b0c80":"

Nail professional<\/div>

An individual who is qualified to provide a wide range of nail services.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_a656a2a40632c1e29663156211bbc0bd":"

Nail coatings<\/div>

Any product used to coat a finger or toe nail for strength or to add length and\/or colour.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_e4531ac60c2cb1fbabc9f3c62c5f342c":"

Nail Technician at Work\n

A manicure is a treatment to help improve the condition and appearance of the hands and fingernails. Usually consists of cuticle removal, shaping of the natural nail's free edge, moisturizing, and color or high shine on the nail.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_2ae2a5a730f9a5ec8dd0c72128dbb020":"

hand lotion\n

A lotion\u00a0is a low-viscosity\u00a0product intended for application to the\u00a0skin. \u00a0<\/p>\n

Although there are many types of lotions,\u00a0hand lotions\u00a0and\u00a0body lotions\u00a0are meant to simply smooth, moisturize, soften and, sometimes, perfume the skin.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_028573aa40ce1f3cceb26ad80ad33592":"

Cure \/ Curing<\/div>

This is the term used to describe the polymerization process for the acrylics (whether uv gels or l&p systems) used in nail coatings. A 'proper cure' is what should be achieved which is when, at least, 80% of the coating has been polymerised. Anything less than this is considered to be 'under-cured' and can cause an allergic reaction. \"Over-curing\" would be when the nail coating is cured in a lamp that has a stronger output than what the manufacturer recommends, and it will make the nail coating brittle.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_4eb428598c1d8f289e6897779124e77d":"

UV Gel<\/div>

A nail product that cures (or polymerizes) under a UV lamp.
There are various types of UV gels, categorized by the way they can be removed, or by the way they can be used.

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