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The onychomycosis (fungal nail) test is positive… Now what?

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Your client came in with a suspicious-looking toenail. The client had it tested, and the onychomycosis test is positive. Now what?
Let’s take a step back first, and look at the complete procedure.

First, you need to take a picture of both feet and the affected toes, and then take a history: when did they first notice the issue, how fast has it progressed, etc.
Your next steps depend on the laws in your market, and what your insurance is covering you for.

Option 1:

Direct your client to get a fungal diagnostic test through a medical center. A positive result via a fungal diagnostics test will give them a foothold for the antimycotic agent they need – there are several on the market that are really effective. These are available through specialists, such as in the pharmacy or drugstore. Miconazole (cutaneous use, externally on the skin) is a good common option, the pharmacy or drugstore can help them with this.

Option 2:

Direct your client to visit their GP and get tested. They will need to bring you back the diagnosis and treatment plan (if the tests are positive), as well as a confirmation from their GP on whether you are allowed to perform a service on the client or not.

Before and after photos of confirmed and treated onychomycosis, taken 6 months apart.
Before and after photos of confirmed and treated onychomycosis, taken 6 months apart.
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