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Understanding and Properly Using Builder Gels

Understanding and Properly Using Builder Gels


Many nail professionals misunderstand the true purpose of builder gels, leading to their misuse and a tarnished reputation. Builder gels are not just thicker gels to be layered on for added strength; they have specific applications and techniques that, when used correctly, can enhance nail structure and strength without causing adverse reactions.

Misconceptions About Builder Gel Strength

A builder gel is a high-viscosity (thicker) gel, but this does not mean that simply applying a layer will enhance the nail’s strength more than a regular gel.

This is how many use it and then wonder why they are getting reactions from their clients that are lifelong and may mean they can no longer wear any type of gel!

The True Purpose of Builder Gels: Creating Structure and Strength

A builder gel is formulated so you can build structures with it. For example, you can create a perfect apex on a flat nail. OR for a weak nail, you can build a ‘backbone’ to create maximum strength. This is a slightly thicker line down the centre of the nail to make the whole length stronger but still look aesthetically pleasing and not thick and ugly.

A builder can do this as it will hold its shape, unlike a thinner gel which will just run into the sidewalls before curing. This is the way to use a builder.

The Dangers of Incorrectly Applying Builder Gels

By applying a thick layer thinking that will create the strength is wrong. It will look ugly and thick and will likely not be properly cured so the unreacted monomers can leach out or be released during shaping and removal causing an allergy. Game over!

The best way to use a builder is to first apply a very thin layer, often called a slip layer, some brands recommend curing, while others recommend not curing it. Then on this thin layer create a shape that is needed by the specific nail and the slip lay will help to hold it in place until curing. This must still be thin to properly cure. Another structured lay may be needed and that is OK.

Proper Application Prevents Adverse Reactions

In conclusion, do not just pick up your builder and apply it as a routine. Use it as it is meant to be used then it will do the job it is intended for and will be much less likely to cause a reaction.

All these reactions that are perceived as a problem with a buyer are wrong. If you are using a good quality product it will be the bad application that is causing the massive problem.

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