As nail professionals, our primary focus is often on the hands and nails, but understanding the anatomy of the foot is equally important, especially when offering pedicure services. The foot is a complex structure, with 26 bones, 33 joints, and numerous muscles and receptors that all play a crucial role in mobility and balance. By gaining a deeper understanding of foot anatomy, nail professionals can better assess and address the needs of their clients, providing not just cosmetic care, but also contributing to their overall foot health.
In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating structure of the foot and discuss why incorporating foot health maintenance into your services can enhance your offerings and help you stand out as a knowledgeable and caring professional in the nail industry. Whether you’re performing a simple pedicure or offering specialised foot care services, this knowledge will empower you to make smarter, more informed decisions for your clients’ well-being.
Anatomy of the Foot: The Foundation of Mobility and Balance
Your foot is the only part of your body that touches the ground allowing your mobility and its created to absorb ‘force’ when we are standing, walking and running.
Our foot has
- 26 bones
- 33 joints
Cutaneous receptors, Muscle spindles and Joint Prorioceptors
- Intinsic Muscles – start and end in the foot
- Extrinsic muscles – superficial muscles surrounding the structures of the foot.

Foot Anatomy: The Overlooked Marvel We Often Take for Granted
Our feet are as amazing as our hands. They are masterpieces of engineering created by mother nature that we take for granted.
For some strange reason, we only pay attention to our feet, their mechanics and how they work when they start to hurt. Before that fateful moment, we just assume that as long as they are attached to the bottom of our legs all is well.
In our daily lives the exception is that when the sun comes out we all head for the nail salon for a cosmetic pedicure so our toes look great when we put our sandals on and more and more men are starting to do the same.
The Growing Importance of General Foot Health Maintenance
In Medical Foot Care we are starting to see a trend which just makes sense and we need to think about applying it to general care or special care in care homes and revalidation centers, its simply General Foot Health Maintenance.
General foot health maintenance applied twice a day can make a world of difference to the health and mobility as we start to drift into old age that sneaks up on us as we rush around living our daily lives.

We don’t need fancy equipment to do it, we just need a few minutes a day around the same time as we clean our teeth and the will and motivation to do it – like all things that are good for us, foot health care is not sexy but great looking feet are!
We have so many amazing pedicure products in the market that make our foot care choices easier, but none of them work on Bluetooth.
Simple Daily Foot Care to Prevent Common Problems and Pathogens
General Foot Care Maintenance twice a day won’t solve all of our foot and toe problems but it will help our podiatrist or Medical Foot Specialist solve our problems and possibly prevent invasion from other unwanted pathogens.
Clean Feet:
- Wash your feet with a neutral Soap & Water
- Dry well – pay attention to the spaces between your toes – dry them well, we don’t want to leave perfect pockets of moist damp skin for opportunistic pathogens to take hold,
- Use a good quality oil and lotion and massage your feet and toes for 10 seconds – There are 2 reasons for this.
- Dryness causes your skin to split – and split skin can be a new home for pathogens that settle quickly but take months to treat.
- Damp dark spaces invite other opportunistic pathogens to take hold.
It takes a couple of minutes but can save so much more time in the long run.
Focusing on Foot Care: Helping You Enhance Your Salon Services
In the coming year we want to spend a little more time on feet so let us know if there is something you want to know about. We want to help you in your nail salon to make smart choices that will help you plan a cosmetic foot care program for your clients.