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Archives: NailKnowledge

Inhibition layer and no-cleanse gels

Question: I was taught that the inhibition layer on many UV coatings is there because the product cures from the nail plate up and it can’t cure where oxygen is present, leaving a thin, and sticky, uncured inhibition layer. What about no cleanse gels?  Why don’t they have an inhibition layer? Answer: What you were told …

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Solenonychia, or Heller's Median Nail Dystrophy (2)

Heller’s Median Nail Dystrophy

The Heller Medial Nail Dystrophy broken down Heller – The first case of a paramedian ridge or split and canal formation in nail plate of one or both the thumbnails was recorded by Heller in 1928 Median – Middle, Center, Midpoint, etc. Nail –  The hard, anatomical structure of bound cells protecting the distal phalanx, the nail plate Dystrophy – …

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Which way to brush of nail dust

Which way to brush off the dust?

Question: Ok, before I was e-file trained I read that you shouldn’t brush dust upwards because you will fill the area you’ve just lifted with that dust. However, on my e file training… you are trained to push back the cuticle then file off the cuticle from the nail plate whilst lifting up the nail …

Which way to brush off the dust? READ MORE

Are UV gels better for nails?

Question: Are UV gels better for nails than other types of enhancements? Answer: All nail enhancement products are safe for the natural nail if properly applied, maintained, and removed. No type of nail enhancement is safer or better for the natural nail than another. If nail damage occurs due to wearing enhancements, it is usually …

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Are hard gels for everyone?

Question: Are Hard Gels wearable by everyone? Can hard gels work for some people and not others, even though you did all you could think of to make them stay longer than 3 weeks? Answer: One system doesn’t necessarily suit all. It all depends on their nail condition and lifestyle. Having said that, nail prep …

Are hard gels for everyone? READ MORE

Is cuticle remover a must-have?

Or is buffing the nails with a 240 buffer enough too? A cuticle remover is preferable, or even a careful removal with a cuticle tool. It is skin (non-living) and is too soft to be efficiently removed with a buffer. Plus, the nail plate could be over buffed. Just remember to remove it in the …

Is cuticle remover a must-have? READ MORE

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