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What is Erythronychia and what causes it? Erythronychia is something we see more often in the nail salon or podiatrist practice but don’t recognize – it is a general name for a group of nail problems that begin at the distal matrix of the nail unit.  Erythronychia is a term that covers a range of pathological patterns …

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Lichen Planus. What do I do?

Question: I have a client that suffers from an autoimmune disease called Lichen Planus. What do I do? It is not heard of much. Can you please help with how it can affect the nail growth; and the use of nail products ie; can it affect the adhesion of nail products such as hard gels, …

Lichen Planus. What do I do? READ MORE

UV light cabinets for nails files?

Question: Hi, I’m moving from employed to self-employed. Then salon I worked in used single-use files and buffers and would throw them away. This isn’t very cost-efficient or great for the environment. Do the UV light cabinets sterilize files or just metal tools? Or can files only be sterilized in an autoclave? Answer: There are …

UV light cabinets for nails files? READ MORE

A chemical burn?

Question: In Doug Schoon’s books, he talks about ph levels in gel polish. He says that, because there is no water in gel polishes, there is no ph. I saw an article in the blog, there was a picture of a chemical burn from a rubber base. I wanted to ask, if there is no …

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nail polish expires

When do nail polishes expire?

Question: In my country, nail polishes and UV gels have expiration dates; and many colleagues claim that you should discard your products when they reached them. However, I know that in other countries, the expiration date is related to the day the product is actually opened. Do you have any comments about this? When do …

When do nail polishes expire? READ MORE

Leukonychia or not?

Question: Can the nail tech cause leukonychia by over-filing/ buffing? And, if so, can they fix it? I have one client who has white patches on her nails, and I’m worried they could’ve been overfiled by her previous tech? The image attached isn’t mine, but they look similar to this. Answer: Leukonychia is a condition …

Leukonychia or not? READ MORE

Pinching enhancements?

Question: Could you please give me a little information on pinching enhancements? There are so many conflicting opinions! Answer: As mentioned previously, pinching enhancements can be tricky. Pinching the sidewalls inward forces the center of the enhancement to pull the nail plate upward. These upward forces are focused in the exact spot where the nail …

Pinching enhancements? READ MORE

Why do some UV gel colors fade?

Question: Why do some UV gel colors fade, while others don’t? Answer: Many colorants are affected by UV since it can cause the colorant to undergo a chemical change that alters or fades its color. Some colors are more susceptible to UV than others. Those colors at the blue end of the color spectrum are …

Why do some UV gel colors fade? READ MORE

Is calcium good for nails?

Question: Is calcium good for nails? Answer: I don’t know of any evidence to demonstrate that oral ingestion of calcium does anything positive for nails, at all! Nail plates do contain a very small amount of calcium, but that likely comes from the water we wash our hands with. Calcium is found only on the …

Is calcium good for nails? READ MORE

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