Lớn nhất (và tốt nhất!) Thế giới Trung tâm kiến thức làm móng

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Làm sao để tránh được "greenies"?

Bạn đang ở đây:


This  bacterial infection is almost always associated with the lifting of a nail coating from the tấm móng tay allowing vi khuẩn và những thứ khác tác nhân gây bệnh to invade the space. It is probably a vi khuẩn giả bacteria and is also known as bệnh sán lá móng hoặc hội chứng móng tay xanh.

See the full artice for bệnh sán lá móng or the article on how to treat hội chứng móng tay xanh.

Proper Treatment and Recoating After Nail Infections

In any case, the way to go is to remove the lớp phủ and seek medical advice. Once a correct diagnosis has been established, then a range of therapies are available which include avoidance of moisture, topical acetic axit/hypochlorite soaks (vinegar/bleach), antibiotics, and others.

 The doctor will be able to prescribe the most suitable one. Only apply a new coating once the treatment has been successful, the infection detained, and the “greenie” has grown out.

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