Lớn nhất (và tốt nhất!) Thế giới Trung tâm kiến thức làm móng

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Tôi có thể chỉ sử dụng acetone để làm sạch móng trước khi làm dịch vụ không?

Bạn đang ở đây:

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It is best to us the chất tẩy rửa recommended by the brand you are using. Ideally, this should be a mix of both axetonIPA (isopropyl alcohol) as they each remove different types of oils. They will also temporarily dehydrate the surface of the nail, making sure the tấm móng tay has no oils nor water on its surface that will interfere with good adhesion of any sơn móng tay.

IPA without acetone is best for cleaning the nail after any lớp phủ has been applied as acetone can start to break down any coating.

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