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Why the cuticle is no longer the cuticle

Why the ‘Cuticle’ is no longer the ‘Cuticle’


I still see lots of people still using the wrong terminology for parts of the nail unit. Also, many others are a bit confused why the ‘cuticle’ is no longer the ‘cuticle’!

Has the nail unit changed?

Of course not. It has always been what it is now!

Why do we now have that big term: proximal nail fold when everyone called it the cuticle?

Why is water soak not generally advised now?

Why is nipping/cutting the PNF not good now?

So many more.

Manicures have been around for decades (actually a century or more in its relatively ‘modern’ form). Originally, it was purely a cosmetic service and the understanding of the area was largely guesswork. Beauty Therapy hadn’t even been ‘invented’ then! Just a bit of facial massage with basic creams like Ponds and maybe a little steaming.

(Did you know that the term ‘Beauty Therapy’ was coined by Wallace Sharps, Founder of the Society of Health and Beauty Therapists in the ’60s, later the FHT and Founder and Director of VTCT much later)

In the ’60’s and ’70’s even into the ’80’s the manicure teaching was started by Revlon. Almost every working manicurist was Revlon trained. Some, who have not updated their education are still stuck in that vibe! Using a ‘buffing paste’ and a chamois buffer!

As time went on, more understanding of, what is now called, ‘the nail unit’ was gained and a much bigger array of nail services were introduced (like ‘artificial nails’ using MMA and all called ‘acrylics’)

When ideas of what was good for the nail unit and anatomical terms were changed I, personally, thought it was because more research was being carried out due to the growth of the pro-industry. This was not correct!

What was happening (as explained to me by Doug Schoon) was that the sector needs to come into line with the true medical A&P and correct terminology used instead of the long-held, guesswork of decades ago.

What many of us have always believed to be the cuticle is now the living proximal nail fold. The cuticle is a thin layer created by stem cells in the eponychium that sheds the dead skin cells of the PNF which stick very strongly to the nail plate to form part of a strong seal against the invasion of pathogens into the matrix.

The eponychium is not the seal at the base of the nail! It is, in fact, on the ventral (underside) of the PNF, cannot be seen but can be damaged.

Pterygium was thought to be the actual cuticle when actually it is an abnormal growth of the PNF.

So many are stuck in the past with all of this understanding and terminology. “I trained 30 years ago so have lots of experience” doesn’t cut it! Times have changed. We need to be more ‘medically’ minded without being medically trained. Tricky!

When working as a nail professional make sure your education is up to date and you are not stuck in the 60’s! Use the correct and accurate terminology from a true A&P point of view.

Elevate this professional career and bring it up to the 21st century. Be ahead of your game! YOU are the pro and your clients need to be convinced of this!

If you want to learn more about the cuticle, including why it is no longer referred to as the cuticle, check out this informative article.

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Seal above the nail matrix at the proximal edge of the nail unit.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_f00b3885820d8ff0625113ec4f5b0c80":"

Nail professional<\/div>

An individual who is qualified to provide a wide range of nail services.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_2e044af1acfd8639fa34304fcbb91297":"

Chamois Buffer<\/div>
Chamois buffer\n

A chamois buffer is a rather outdated nail buffer made from chamois leather that, originally came from a type of goat. It was used, usually with a buffing past (a gentle abrasive) to bring the nail plate to a high shine. It has now been superseded with manmade materials in the form of a 2,3 or 4 way nail buffer.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_88a4e26c62d6ac2ae0cf474cd106017a":"

Eponychium diagram\n

Very thin area of specialised cells (which literally means \u2018on the nail\u2019) where the cuticle forms. It is situated on the ventral side (underside) of the proximal nail fold.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_1246a1b7fb9bed3e4702bd0168f71114":"

Nail plate<\/div>
Nail Plate\n

Hard layers of modified and keratinised skin cells, bonded together, to form a protective plate on the end of each finger and toe, that prevents damage to the underlying bone and allows for manual dexterity.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_ac495df187bbf96e6482b41f45437ba1":"

Nail unit<\/div>
Nail Unit\n

The nail unit is an anatomically correct term used to describe the area at the end of fingers and toes. A relatively complicated area that protects the last bone and aids dexterity.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_88062c829163eb1e8ecfa0cdf927ddd8":"


A manicurist is a professional who specializes in providing nail care services, including manicures, pedicures, nail enhancements, and nail art. Manicurists are trained in various techniques, products, and tools to maintain and enhance the health and appearance of nails.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_34e670f952d5804ac824cb93d6737e74":"


This is an unhealthy overgrowth of the proximal nail fold when the skin extends onto the nail plate. This should not be treated and needs medical attention.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_e4531ac60c2cb1fbabc9f3c62c5f342c":"

Nail Technician at Work\n

A manicure is a treatment to help improve the condition and appearance of the hands and fingernails. Usually consists of cuticle removal, shaping of the natural nail's free edge, moisturizing, and color or high shine on the nail.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_a68f74236daaba49448b9ed76c38a558":"

A huge family of chemicals that create plastics. It was, for many years, descriptive of the liquid monomer and powder polymer system of nail enhancements. However, many nail products are acrylics so the term is not accurate.<\/div>","cmtt_c7d08ac82eb8e0ea8cd0e09c09590f44":"
Nail fold<\/div>

The fold of skin at the base and sides of the nail plate.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_b1c0d6ac2b2d57b70735cc3036131694":"


A pathogen is the term used to describe an organism (any organism) that can produce disease. <\/p>\n

Viruses, Bacteria\u00a0and Fungi\u00a0are 3 typical pathogens that we can come into contact within the nail salon or podiatry practice.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_233aa7066306b249d62603794d4832bb":"


Keratinised and non-living skin cells of the proximal nail fold that seals the edge between the proximal nail fold and the nail plate creating an efficient seal at the base of the nail plate.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_a94c3bad4f9dcf2a5f6fcaba474a9914":"

The Nail Matrix\n

The area, beneath the proximal nail fold ,where stem cells modify skin cells into the cells of the nail plate.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_5af358c09dcea47586d6eb0a125be440":"


Methyl methacrylate (MMA) polymer, also known as PMMA, is a durable and strong polymer used in the production of certain types of nail enhancements, such as acrylic nails. PMMA provides a sturdy and long-lasting nail surface when used in combination with liquid monomers.<\/p>\n<\/div>"}}; -->