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GP Referrals

GP Referrals: How to do it


Following on from our blog about Nail Conditions:

Until such time as we have access to good nail pathology training that helps us recognise problems in and around the nail unit it can be really difficult to stick to the rules and also quite scary telling a client you cannot work on their nails.

How can we help our clients when we need to refer them to their GP or MD before we can service their nails? Or a referral to a podiatrist could also make really good sense.

Working with a podiatrist in your neighborhood can be good for you and them even if a fee is required for their time and or services.

A good way to communicate with them is to make a referral letter. Keep it short and sweet and to the point.

Describe what you think you see and what steps you have taken and include, if needs be, all the SDS sheets of products that you used that may have caused a problem.

Your client’s doctor and/or podiatrist will look it up when he/she reads the letter, he/she will also thank you I expect for being so expedient and more likely to accept that an allergy test is a good thing for your client.

Below, I have made an example for you – change the red text to suit your situation, it will keep your client with you for life and the doctor and/or podiatrist will be thankful that you made his/her life a little simpler by explaining what you think the problem could be and asking for his/her help to fix it. Also, I expect that your insurance company will be pleased should there be a problem.

MD’s and GPs are amazing people with a sea of knowledge but Podiatrists, like us, are specialists in their field, working together can be good for both of you.



Dear Sir/Madam/Doctor,

Name client:                                                                                        
Date of Birth:                                                                                             

On 27th October 2021, Mrs Bloggs was in my salon for an artificial nail treatment.

I noticed something that I recognised as a possible problem and as I am unable to service her nails in this condition, I recommended he/she come to see you for a diagnosis.

Problem: The 2nd, 3rd & 4th nail on her left hand, show signs of possible keratinisation under the nail plate, that could possibly have been caused by an artificial nail product allergy.

Treatment: I have removed the artificial nail product just in case and advised the use of a good nail and skin oil to soften the possible keratinisation under the nail plate and enclose an SDS sheet that may be needed for allergy testing should you think this is justified.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Nail Art Salon                    
Certified Nail Technician                       
On the high street

07 28XX 87XX

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