2 years in the planning and making. A chance conversation between Marian Newman and Kevin Nicholls. Kevin said:”what about animated learning?” Marian replied: “Ooo, that could work!”
We bring you the latest tips, trends, and expert advice on all things nails! Whether you’re a professional, student or enthusiast or simply looking to improve your nail health, we’ve got you covered.
Inca Empire: 14th Century AD – 17th Century AD Artistic Expression and Fashion Trends The Renaissance period was a time of great artistic and cultural advancement in Europe, and the practice of nail technology was no exception. In this article,
Inca Empire: 1438 AD – 1533 AD Rituals and Symbolism Nail technology has a long history in the Andean region of South America, with the ancient Inca civilization having their own unique cultural influences on the practice. In this article,
Middle Ages: 5th century AD – 15th century AD From Function to Fashion Nail technology during the Middle Ages was an essential aspect of personal hygiene and health, with a strong emphasis on functionality. However, as society evolved, so did
Ancient Rome: approximately 753 BC to 476 AD A Sophisticated and Symbolic Tradition Nail technology in Ancient Rome was a sophisticated and symbolic tradition that reflected the cultural values of the time. Romans used nail art to communicate their social
Ancient Greece: approximately 800 BCE to 146 BCE A Burst of Color and Creativity Nail technology has a long and storied history in Ancient Greece. For thousands of years, Greeks have used nail art to express themselves and communicate their
Ancient China: approximately 1600 BCE to 221 BCE Nail technology has been an integral part of Chinese culture for centuries. In Ancient China, the practice of decorating nails was not just a beauty ritual, but also had significant cultural and