2 years in the planning and making. A chance conversation between Marian Newman and Kevin Nicholls. Kevin said:”what about animated learning?” Marian replied: “Ooo, that could work!”
We bring you the latest tips, trends, and expert advice on all things nails! Whether you’re a professional, student or enthusiast or simply looking to improve your nail health, we’ve got you covered.
Ancient Greece: approximately 800 BCE to 146 BCE A Burst of Color and Creativity Nail technology has a long and storied history in Ancient Greece. For thousands of years, Greeks have used nail art to express themselves and communicate their
Ancient China: approximately 1600 BCE to 221 BCE Nail technology has been an integral part of Chinese culture for centuries. In Ancient China, the practice of decorating nails was not just a beauty ritual, but also had significant cultural and
Ancient Babylonia: approximately 1894 BCE to 539 BC Nail technology has a rich and varied history, and Ancient Babylonia is one of the civilizations that contributed to its development. In this article, we will explore the cultural influences of nail
Ancient Egypt: approximately 3100 BCE to 30 BCE Nail technology has been an important aspect of beauty and grooming for centuries, and Ancient Egypt is no exception. The culture of Ancient Egypt is known for its intricate and ornate beauty
There is no such thing as a Universal UV Nail lamp that properly cures any UV nail product; nor are there UV curing nail products that properly cure with any nail lamp. Those who are making these erroneous claims are
Nail services are not regulated in many parts of the world, including in the UK. It can be even more challenging in larger countries. However, it’s crucial to have access to factual information, especially when it comes to the safety