The World's Biggest (and Best!) Nail Knowledge Centre

Nail Knowledge – How it Came About

2 years in the planning and making. A chance conversation between Marian Newman and Kevin Nicholls. Kevin said:”what about animated learning?” Marian replied: “Ooo, that could work!”


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Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, Onychomadesis

Onychomadesis & Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

As though we do not hear enough about viruses causing problems in our lives, now we get to deal with another one! Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease (HFMD) in our young children is more prevalent at this time of year.HFMD

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should nail professionals decant nail products

To decant or not?

As nail professionals, we are surrounded by dozens of bottles, pots, and jars. And it all costs money, so we want to use every single last drop of our products. Therefore, it makes sense to many of us to decant the

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Nail Conditions part 2

Nail Conditions (Part 2)

It is very obvious that far too many nail courses are not teaching about nail conditions! They may provide a ‘manual’ that lists some, but this knowledge is not checked nor tested. It is a case of ‘read this’. NOT

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Nail Conditions part 1

Nail Conditions (Part 1)

EVERY training course, however long or short it is, MUST cover nail conditions! However, it is very clear that so many don’t! There are several aspects about nail and skin conditions (or diseases and disorders) that every nail professional must

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Newly qualified

Newly Qualified Nail Professional

Education in the global nail sector can be a bit hit and miss, to say the least! Those new to the career ‘don’t know what they don’t know, and advice can be equally hit and miss. So many take courses,

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Legal age for nails - minors

What is the legal age for nail services?

This is a question that often gets asked. But what is the answer? Firstly, in many countries a ‘minor’ is considered to be under the age of 18. But it can depend on the context e.g., drinking alcohol in the

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