2 years in the planning and making. A chance conversation between Marian Newman and Kevin Nicholls. Kevin said:”what about animated learning?” Marian replied: “Ooo, that could work!”
We bring you the latest tips, trends, and expert advice on all things nails! Whether you’re a professional, student or enthusiast or simply looking to improve your nail health, we’ve got you covered.
Sometimes the skin at the base of the finger, near the nail, becomes damaged and appears ‘frayed.’ This condition can be painful and inflamed, although it is not always the case. Common Causes of Fraying Near the Base of the
In nail world this is a tough one and not without complications. We all know someone who has had, is having or will be having chemo therapy and if your family is like mine, it’s the #1 cause of death
Between the nail plate and the nail bed is some elastic tissue called the bed epithelium – it’s kind of the same non-living tissue as the cuticle, only the cuticle is produced by the eponychium and the bed epithelium by
After soaking off our gel polish or rebalancing our enhancements it’s important to inspect our clients nail plates for any signs of abnormalities. We don’t want to see … Yellowing of the nail plate This could be onycholysis or inner
Most of us love a hand or foot treatment that involves an exfoliation and so do our clients, right? We know that it speeds up, what would normally be, natural desquamation. It gets rid of the dead skin cells, allows
From this month (September ’21) it is now illegal to sell UV cured products that contain HEMA and di-HEMA in retail stores. This applies to the UK and the EU. These must be ‘for professional use only’ and we all