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Nail Furrows, Ridges or Corrugations

Nail Furrows, Ridges, or Corrugations and What Causes Them?


Nail Furrows, ridges, or corrugations on the nails refer to longitudinal lines or grooves that run along the length of the nail plate. These lines may vary in depth and can be associated with different factors. Understanding furrows, ridges, or corrugations on the nails, their symptoms, and possible causes, is essential to make sure of proper maintenance and to know what artificial nail product if any to use to improve the look of the natural nail once its as recovered as it can be.

Symptoms of Nail Furrows, Ridges or Corrugations

The primary symptom is the presence of longitudinal lines or grooves on the nail surface. The lines may be fine or more pronounced and can be more noticeable on longer nails. Sometimes we see little ‘bead-like’ defects in the nail plate (see red circle) These nails are generally quite hard and as long as they are not split open you can improve the look of the nail with artificial nail products.

A close-up of a fingernail

Description automatically generated We advise a permanent product that requires a fill (acryl liquid & powder or hard gel) because removing soak off products from ridged nails can cause more problems simply because of the damaged caused trying to scrape the product out of the groves and this damage is not visible until the next time you remove the product. This nail plate developed a surface fungal infection that took a couple of weeks to deal with. (Sorry for the quality of the picture its taken with a very old phone)

Possible Causes:

  1. Aging: As individuals age, the natural growth and development of nails can lead to the formation of ridges or furrows.
  2. Trauma or Injury: Injuries or trauma to the nail bed can cause furrows or ridges as the nails grow.
  3. Nutritional Deficiencies: Inadequate intake of certain vitamins and minerals can affect nail health and lead to the development of ridges.
  4. Underlying Health Conditions: Furrows or ridges can be associated with certain medical conditions, and as such can improve or deteriorate as time passes depending on the cause.

Who Do Nail Furrows, Ridges, or Corrugations Affect?

Furrows, Ridges, or Corrugations can affect individuals of all ages, but they are more commonly observed in adults. The condition is not limited to any specific gender or ethnic group.

How Can Nail Technicians Help?

As a nail technician, your role in addressing this problem involves providing supportive care and understanding the potential underlying causes.

Good maintenance with oil and lotion is essential to maintain the integrity of the nail plate – this in turn will make

DoDon’tNail ProductRefer to MD
Keep cleanDo not remove ‘ridges’  with Hand or E fileProfessional Nail Treatment can improve the overall quality of the nail plateIf the nail plate becomes infected
Cover with permanent artificial nail product – Check for any signs of hyperkeratosis behind free edgeDo not rough up or file the nail plate before application, use a good nail cleanser with prep & or bondAcryl Liquid & Powder or hard gel (BIAB is an option) 
Regular Fills & maintenance with a good oil & lotion   

Contra indication:

If the client is going through chemotherapy, do not apply any nail products before receiving an ok from the oncology team – refer to an Oncology or Medical Hand Specialist

If you suspect a fungal infection to be present test before applying any artificial nail product

Further Reading

What are nail grooves / depressions and what causes them?

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