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What causes the nail plate to turn black or darkly colored

What causes the nail plate to turn black or darkly colored?


Several things can cause the nail plate to turn black, or at least darkly colored. One of the most common causes of darkly colored nail plates is physical damage that leads to bruising of the nail bed.

Splinter Hemorrhages: Causes and Effects

Hard bangs or knocks to the nail plate can lead to breaks in the tiny blood vessels in the nail bed, which can cause them to leak. These are called splinter hemorrhages and most often appear like tiny black lines running along with the direction of nail growth.

Splinter hemorrhages are most often caused by physical trauma to the nail bed causing bleed underneath the plate.
Splinter hemorrhages underneath the nail plate.

When the damage is more severe, larger amounts of blood collect underneath the plate. A significant amount of damage could lead to blackening of the entire nail plate. The blood on the nail bed may appear to be red at first, but will eventually turn black. This black stain could persist for months after the damaged nail bed heals.

Hemorrage: Blood collecting underneath the nail plate

Impact of Drugs and Diseases on Nail Discoloration

Certain drugs can affect the matrix cells and this can lead to dark discolorations of the nail plate. For instance, drugs containing metallic silver can cause dark black stains, as well as a surgical scrub used in hospitals which contain the ingredient “chlorohexine”.

Nail Staining from drugs containing metallic silver
Staining from drugs containing metallic silver

Diseases of the nail or illness somewhere else in the body may also cause the nail matrix cells to produce darkly discolored nail plates. For example, diabetes can cause the nail plate to yellow and nail psoriasis often leads to nail plates that are pitted, more porous and pick up stains more easily.

Nail Psoriasis – Pitted Nail Plate

Nail Discoloration Due to Chronic Diseases and Other Factors

Chronic diseases such as kidney or liver problems can cause nails to blacken.  Tumors in the nail matrix or surrounding areas can also cause dark discolorations in the nail plate, which is something that nail technicians should watch for. However, it is fairly common and normal for people with very dark skin to develop black strips that run the length of the nail plate.  This can happen because excessive amounts of melanin in the skin can find its way into the nail plate.

Nail Discoloration and When to Seek Medical Advice

When this occurs on nails of those with African or Asian ancestries, this may be normal. However, when this occurs on nail plates of those with light colored skin such as Caucasians, in rare instances this can be a sign of potential trouble. Such nail plates should be examined by a medical professional to determine the causes, which could be one of many disorders. 

Finally, this change in coloration could indicate a nail infection, so in any case this type of change should be cause for concern. I recommend refraining from treating this nail until it can be examined by a medical professional to determine if an infection is present.

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