The World's Biggest (and Best!) Nail Knowledge Centre

Nail Knowledge – How it Came About

2 years in the planning and making. A chance conversation between Marian Newman and Kevin Nicholls. Kevin said:”what about animated learning?” Marian replied: “Ooo, that could work!”


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We bring you the latest tips, trends, and expert advice on all things nails! Whether you’re a professional, student or enthusiast or simply looking to improve your nail health, we’ve got you covered.

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nail brushes prep and care

Nail Brushes, Prep and Care

Nail Brushes are an essential tool for nail professionals Brushes are key tools for every nail professional. But how do you choose them, prepare them for use and take care of them for efficiency and longevity? Let us help….. Choosing

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Adverse skin reaction in salon

Adverse Skin Reactions Within the Salon

Why do adverse skin reactions happen in the salon industry, who is most susceptible and how can these reactions be prevented? Adverse skin reactions occur in every area of the professional salon industry. Nail, skin, and hair services can all

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PAT testing in salon

Is Pat Testing for a Nail Salon Necessary??

Nail Salon PAT Testing no Longer Required?  I don’t know about you, dear readers, But I thought that PAT testing for a Nail Salon was no longer required. Well, I am wrong!! What is PAT testing? PAT testing stands for

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Pregnancy wearing artificial nails

Pregnancy and Artificial Nail Coatings

When your clients discover they’re pregnant One of the first questions they will ask nail professionals is, “Can I keep wearing my nail enhancements during my pregnancy?”  The answer is YES; they can safely wear artificial nails!  There is no

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Non Standard Salon NSS

NSS. What does this mean?

A term commonly used NSS. What does this mean? NSS is a term commonly used to mean Non-Standard Salons. So what are these?? Unfortunately, this is often used in association with Asian salons (along with other derogatory terms). This is

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CIDESCO endorses NailKnoweldge Program

CIDESCO Approve and Endorse the NailKnowledge Program

CIDESCO approve and endorses the Essential Nail Professional Program “NailKnowledge is an approved and highly recommended resource to assist in the teaching and delivery of Nail & Beauty Qualifications written in accordance with the NOS. We find NailKnowledge a comprehensive

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