The World's Biggest (and Best!) Nail Knowledge Centre

Nail Knowledge – How it Came About

2 years in the planning and making. A chance conversation between Marian Newman and Kevin Nicholls. Kevin said:”what about animated learning?” Marian replied: “Ooo, that could work!”


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keep up with the program allergies edition

Keep up with the Program, Allergies Edition

As we have discussed before, there is a big issue with allergies in the nail industry right now. Surely everyone working in this sector is aware of this. Or are they not? Frankly, I am shocked at what I read

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Thoughts on electric nail files

Thoughts on Electric Nail Files

I believe that electric nail files have a place in the nail industry when they are properly used. However, just because you can buy an electric file, doesn’t mean you know how to use it correctly and safely. To do

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Home maintenance and nail oil

Home Maintenance and Nail Oil

I recently had a conversation with a nail professional who was complaining that her clients do not cooperate with her when it comes to home maintenance. She explains to them the importance of home maintenance, the use of high-quality nail

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Nail health check

Nail Health Check

The most popular nail services these days use opaque nail coatings (e.g. UV gel polish and opaque builders). This means that you cannot see the nail plate without removing the coating. But a nail health check is imperative! If you

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Enhancements to UV gel polish

From Enhancements to UV Gel Polish

Sometimes a client wants to switch from enhancements to UV gel polish manicures. But some nail professionals feel like their clients’ nails look weak and fragile after an enhancement removal that they fear removal altogether! So they grow out enhancements

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rust and nail implements

Rust and metal nail implements

Most nail professionals have experienced rust on their metal nail implements at some point in their careers. Rust is a common concern since many people grew up hearing stories about how a rusty nail or other pieces of rusty metals

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