A Split Nail can be a frustrating and painful condition to deal with. They can make everyday activities such as typing or opening packages difficult, and can also be unsightly. However, with the right treatment, split nails can be repaired and prevented from happening again. In this article, we’ll explore some DIY fixes and professional treatments for split nails.
DIY fixes for split nails
- Super Glue: We understand that Super Glue seems to be a good option, especially in an emergency – The problem is they are composed of cyano acrylates that are highly allergen. When we try to repair a split nail the underlying nail plate is vulnerable because its exposed or the guardian seals are breached, this makes it more likely that you may develop an allergy. Pop into a nail salon and let them fix it with silk and a clear gel base & top coat. (see fig 1)
- Nail Wrap: Nail wraps can be purchased at beauty supply stores or online. These wraps are made from a thin material that is placed over the nail and bonded with a special glue. They can help to reinforce the nail and prevent further splitting. We understand that this seems to be a good option, but – check the ingredients of the ‘special glue’ To be on the safe side, pop into a nail salon and let them fix it with silk and a clear gel base & top coat. (see fig 1)
- Tea Bag: A tea bag can be used to create a DIY nail wrap. Simply cut a small piece of tea bag paper, apply a small amount of clear nail polish to the split nail, and place the tea bag paper over the nail. Allow it to dry, then apply another coat of clear polish. This can provide a temporary fix for a split nail. As crazy as it sounds, this is a good idea until you can pop into a nail salon and let them fix it with silk and a clear gel base & top coat. (see fig 1)

Professional treatments for split nails
- Nail Hardener: A nail hardener is a product that can be applied to the nails to help strengthen them and prevent splitting. These products contain ingredients such as keratin and collagen, which can help to promote healthy nail growth. The problem with nail hardeners is they restrict the nail plates movement. A flexible nail is less likely to break or split. Oil is a smart nail maintenance product especially when suffering with split nails
- Gel Nail Extensions: Gel nail extensions can be a good option for those with split nails. They provide a protective layer over the natural nail, which can help to prevent splitting and breakage. Gel extensions can also be used to create a more even nail surface, which can help to prevent further splitting. If you choose a gel extension ask the salon to use a flexible gel – split nail plates are vulnerable– keep the extension to a minimum – about 2mm is probably good. We would recommend a soak off system and not a hard gel and again, Oil is an essential part of helping prevent splitting nails and important to maintain your gel extensions.
- Acrylic Nail Overlays: Acrylic nail overlays are a popular treatment for those with split nails. They are applied to the natural nail and can help to reinforce it, preventing further splitting. Acrylic overlays can also be used to create a more even nail surface and can be customized to match the natural nail. Sure an acryl overlay is a possibility and when applied properly it will also not shrink while its curing (it takes about 48hrs for L&P to dry properly) – and is also easy to soak off – again, Oil is an essential part of helping prevent splitting nails and maintaining your acrylic overlay.
- Manicure: A professional manicure can also help to repair split nails. A manicurist can file and shape the nails to prevent further splitting, and can also apply a strengthening treatment to promote healthy nail growth. In a professional salon you will find a product developed exactly for this reason. A treatment takes about 20 mins and can be applied in nail plates for men as well as women. After this treatment a simple gel polish overlay with a silk enforcement would be perfect – ask your salon to use a soak off product so your nails can have another strengthening treatment in a few weeks – again, Oil is an essential part of helping prevent splitting nails.
Split nails can be a frustrating and painful condition
As frustrating as this condition can be to deal with, with the right treatment, they can be repaired and prevented from happening again. DIY fixes such as super glue, nail wraps, and tea bags can provide a quick fix, but professional treatments such as short, flexible gel nail extensions, acrylic nail overlays, and manicures can provide long-term solutions. If you’re struggling with split nails, it’s important to realise that with a little extra care, oiling your nails 3-4 times a day and using a good quality lotion maybe containing Allantoïne & Ureum will improve the condition of your nail plates and also your skin.
Sometimes we forget, at 21 years old our nail units are in optimal condition, after that our nails just like our skin need to be included in a good daily care routine. Dryness of our nail units or our skin will perpetuate and get worse if we don’t help them. Generally we take care of our faces every day, just pop your nails, hands and feet into that moment , 5 extra mins in the morning, and when you stop for coffee later in the day, will make all the difference.