2 years in the planning and making. A chance conversation between Marian Newman and Kevin Nicholls. Kevin said:”what about animated learning?” Marian replied: “Ooo, that could work!”
We bring you the latest tips, trends, and expert advice on all things nails! Whether you’re a professional, student or enthusiast or simply looking to improve your nail health, we’ve got you covered.
There are always questions about why some people develop a nail allergy and others don’t. Some even believe that, unless everyone develops a reaction, a product must be safe! This is a perfect example of how every individual is different.
One of the features that makes a big difference in how products react with the nail, but is not often discussed, is nail plate porosity. We know that the nail plate is made up of nail plate cells, linked together
I get a lot of questions about products that look like a “gel” when applied but are then dipped into a powder. These are called “powder gels”. However, this same name is used to describe two different types of nail coatings.
Quite a few people have approached me with concerns about nail polishes and how safe they are to use on children. They seem to think that they may be “too chemical”, and that water-based nail polishes would be a better
With the allergy situation escalating, not only in the UK but in many countries, many nail pros are super-stressing that they are the ones causing the allergy!! Maybe your products did but…..maybe they didn’t! An individual can wear a nail
It seems to me there are 2 types of nail pros who provide UV Gel Polish services on a regular basis. I can see the benefits of both types but know which one I prefer! Note that both types are