Lớn nhất (và tốt nhất!) Thế giới Trung tâm kiến thức làm móng

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Tình trạng y tế

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Thực hành làm việc về môi trường

Tình trạng y tế

There are a number of conditions, diseases and infections that require you to refuse service or modify your treatment plan, identifiable during the client consultation either through your new client questionnaire or investigation of client nails for contra-indications of disease.

As a thợ làm móng you can be exposed to infectious blood-borne viruses, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), if you come into contact with infected blood from a client. Working safely and carefully, wearing gloves and maintaining high hygiene standards minimises any risk.

Cover any open cut or abrasion, take care to prevent new skin cuts or abrasions from filing and buffing, never share equipment or tools unless disinfected first, and record instances of any puncture wound or skin damage.

Clients who are undergoing chemotherapy or the menopause, may find their nails have been thinned and become brittle.

Bệnh tiểu đường, kidney disease, liver disease and heart disease can also affect the condition of the nails and the colour of the nail bed. Careful and safe manicures and pedicures can still be carried out.

You can be exposed to fungal infections of the nails and feet by touching a client’s infected skin or by using equipment that has not been cleaned. Remember you should only work on nails free of visible signs of infection and inflammation.

Skin conditions to be aware of include psoriasis, dermatitiseczema. With these conditions you need to be careful with the products you use and recommend to prevent making them worse or inflamed.

Careful treatment of clients with conditions that affect hand and feet circulation including Diabetes, Raynaud’s Disease and heart disease is required, as the reduction in sensation in their extremities may mean they do not feel any pain or discomfort.

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