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Dầu biểu bì có thực sự phá vỡ được keo dán móng tay truyền thống không?

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Q: Does dầu biểu bì truly break down traditional keo dán móng tay used to apply press-on nails? I see many people recommending lớp biểu bì oil to enhance longevity of wear, but then also recommending to soak in cuticle oil to remove the nails

There is no reason oil should break down nail chất kết dính (which is always a cyanoacrylate). Only axeton is truly efficient in this. It is, however susceptible to water. If there are air bubbles between the nail and the press on, it could work into those.

Those that are recommending oil to remove are probably using sticky pads instead of adhesives (which is safer and allows the press ons to be reused. Oil or warm water helps dislodge the sticky pads.

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