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A common issue many thợ làm móng chuyên nghiệp face is clients developing white patches on their tấm móng tay after removing chất kết dính nail stickers. One question that often comes up is: “I use a few brands of decorated adhesive nail strips. When I remove them, some clients develop large whitish patches on the nail plate. Why does this happen, and how can I stop it? My clients are blaming me.

Preventing White Patches: Advising Clients on Proper Nail Sticker Removal

I understand your concern and if I understand your question, my advice in this case is to warn your clients not to remove these types of products by themselves. They are likely to cause this type of problem if they improperly remove these types of lớp phủ móng tay.

It is the upward force on the nail plate surface that causes chunks of nail to be pulled up, which leads to surface damage. On a large scale, this creates surface white spots when any type of nail lớp phủ is too forcefully removed. Proper removal is important for all types of applied lớp phủ móng tay, including adhesive nail strips of any type.

How Improper Removal of Nail Stickers Leads to Nail Damage

Many retail users end up damaging their own nails because they improperly remove these decorative nail strips. Most often, they don’t allow sufficient time for the remover dung môi to do their job and attempt to speed up the process by peeling them off with too much force.

If you take short cuts, or don’t use the proper equipment or lamps and don’t follow the manufacturer’s directions, the potential for problems such as nail damage increases.

I recommend reaching out to the manufacturer and/or distributors to get more information or recommendations related to proper and safe use then pay attention to those recommendations.

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