Lớn nhất (và tốt nhất!) Thế giới Trung tâm kiến thức làm móng

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Nhấn vào móng tay, phản ứng dị ứng đã lành, tôi có thể thử lại gel không?

Bạn đang ở đây:

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Allergic reaction healed, can try gel again

Câu hỏi:

I read recently that if you cure properly you will not have a reaction. Does this mean a person who has an phản ứng dị ứng (nail lifting) who is now healed can once again try sơn gel ensuring they cure it properly?

Trả lời:

The problem is that some products have such a high % of chất gây dị ứng it is impossible to properly cure and the allergens can leech out!

The product is still in contact with the tấm móng tay and, if not properly cured, can leach out through the nail plate,

Nếu bạn là chữa bệnh a UV cured gel through a press on nail, then double cure as the nail can inhibit the effect of the UV energy by 20%.

There is no simple answer for those with an allergy!

The only one answer for them is to have a dermatological patch test to see exactly which ingredient they are dị ứng to and then avoid it, for life.

Press on nails could be used if they are adhered using an chất kết dính that does not contain their allergen. Many nail products contain the same ingredients so this is a gamble!

Be sure to read this interesting article where we discuss press on nails as being an good alternative.

allergic reaction to gel press on nails
Are press on nails a good alternative?
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