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Pinturas para uñas

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nail art a mano alzada con pinturas para uñas

Hand painting is a popular technique for those that are good at free-hand art. It can be created on nails with water-based or UV-cured decoración de uñas pinturas y, por supuesto, con esmalte de uñas.

¿Qué son las pinturas de uñas?

Las pinturas para decoración de uñas pueden utilizarse para "personajes", arte abstracto, motivos festivos, motivos o diseños de "un solo trazo". De hecho, ¡para casi todo! Dependiendo del nivel de habilidad de cada uno, el diseño puede ser muy sencillo o muy complicado. No son pocos los artistas que recrean pinturas famosas en las uñas.

Las pinturas al agua suelen venir en botellitas con una boquilla estrecha, listas para usar. Si no, vienen en pequeños tubos, pero hay que diluirlos con agua para poder usarlos.
Las pinturas de curado UV suelen venir en botes pequeños.

Si utiliza pinturas al agua, asegúrese de que sean de calidad cosmética y NO pinturas para manualidades. Éstas pueden reaccionar con los productos y disolventes y posiblemente puede crear una piel irritante o alérgeno. Además, las pinturas para manualidades suelen tóxicopor lo que pueden crear problemas más graves cuando entran en contacto con las uñas o la piel.

Cualquier pintura de uñas que elijas debe ser muy pigmentada para que una sola capa cree el efecto deseado.

If using UV-cured nail art paints, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions with regards to curado, and avoid skin contact.

Un juego de buena calidad de formas y tamaños variados cepillos son la clave del éxito de esta técnica. Dependiendo del soporte, necesitarás cerdas de pelo natural o sintéticas. Los pinceles de buena calidad necesitan buenos cuidados. Manténgalos limpios y devuélvalos siempre a su forma adecuada después de usarlos. 

Cesta de la compra

A cosmetic product that coats the nails with a colour or clear film for strength and\/or an aesthetic quality. It is full of solvents that dry by evaporation.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_bd83f8bc129a83a80cbb2ce4439b3a5d":"

What is an AllergenA chemical that mobilises the immune system in the human body as it is a threat to the health of the body. Individuals have different levels of when a chemical becomes an allergen.<\/div>","cmtt_517a4417d7b397aa4cc23dbf2d3ea981":"
Nail Art<\/div>

Nail art is a creative and fun way to decorate and enhance the nails. It can include a variety of techniques such as painting, stamping, and applying decals or rhinestones.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_5d9a553b829690f7eecc611184e17273":"


Solvents (in the context of nail products as water is a solvent) are chemicals such as acetone, ethyl acetate, methyl acetate, butyl acetate, toluene. They are able to dissolve certain products or break their bonds. They are commonly used in nail polishes and nail polish removers. They are usually volatile and are the method used to dry nail polish as they keep the product liquid until they are exposed air and will evaporate and leave the pigments and other ingredients (such as plastisers etc) as a nail coating. They are also used in nail plate dehydrators to cleanse and degrease the nail in the preparation for a coating application.<\/p>\n

Pathogens (with the possible exception of fungal spores) are unable to survive in a product with a high level of solvents. This is why it is safe to use nail polish on several clients without spreading any pathogens<\/p>\n

(Also see alcohols)<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_9104c189dbf42572c9678066c7711867":"


An irritant is a substance that can cause inflammation, redness, or discomfort when it comes into contact with the skin or nails. In nail care, certain chemicals or ingredients may be classified as irritants and should be handled with caution or avoided if sensitivity occurs.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_71f9432749bfe5be96b4da24998d9070":"


Anything that contains or is poisonous, especially when capable of causing serious injury or death.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_028573aa40ce1f3cceb26ad80ad33592":"

Cure \/ Curing<\/div>

This is the term used to describe the polymerization process for the acrylics (whether uv gels or l&p systems) used in nail coatings. A 'proper cure' is what should be achieved which is when, at least, 80% of the coating has been polymerised. Anything less than this is considered to be 'under-cured' and can cause an allergic reaction. \"Over-curing\" would be when the nail coating is cured in a lamp that has a stronger output than what the manufacturer recommends, and it will make the nail coating brittle.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_be3931e712d61dbc905165a4257ef0c9":"


There are many different brushes needed by a nail professional. e.g an L&P brush which needs to be a natural Kolinsky sable brush so it can hold the monomer liquid and pick up the polymer powder as a bead; UV gel brushes are usually nylon or other man made fibre. Nail art brushes are usually a variety of natural fibres. All have different uses and all much be kept clean to provide long usage.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_e160220bb8f7c0e0c2e10535303cf6fd":"


A type of reusable template that is placed under the free edge of the natural nail to guide the application of acrylic or gel product, helping to create a consistent and symmetrical shape.<\/p>\n<\/div>"}}; -->