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The Role of the Hyponychium in Nail Protection

En hiponiquio, located beneath the borde libre de la placa para clavos at the distal edge of the finger, plays a critical role in protecting the unidad de clavos. Este estructura formularios (together with the banda onicodérmica) a tight seal that prevents the entry of harmful bacterias, alérgenosy patógenos into the delicate areas of the nail, such as the lecho ungueal y matriz. By acting as a barrier, the hyponychium ensures the overall health and integrity of the nail unit. The hyponychium is one of the 4 Sellos guardianes of the nail unit.

Nerve Endings and the Alert System

The presence of numerous nerve endings within the hyponychium serves as an alert system. When this protective seal is compromised, these nerve endings send signals that cause discomfort or pain, warning of potential damage or infection. A breach in the seal allows pathogens to enter the sensitive nail bed, increasing the risk of infection.

Signs of Infection or Damage

In some cases, the hyponychium may thicken or become discolored, which could indicate an  infection. Other possible causes include damage from trauma, exposure to productos químicos, or an underlying systemic condition or even an reacción alérgica. Infection or damage here can also lead to the development of an extended and thickened hyponychium, a condition known as pterigión inverso.  If an infection looks like it could possibly be fungal, it is necessary to perform tests, as visual examination alone is insufficient. Untreated, this condition can and will cause onicólisis, the separation of the nail plate from the nail bed, it’s a serious issue that can compromise the nail’s health.

Maintaining Hyponychium Health Through Proper Nail Care

Good nail hygiene is essential for maintaining the hyponychium’s integrity. Regular cleaning of the nail area and keeping it free from dirt and debris is crucial. Additionally, it is important to avoid activities that may cause trauma to the hyponychium, ensuring its ability to function effectively as a protective barrier.

Pregunte a los expertos

¿Cómo se trata el sobrecrecimiento del hiponiquio?

This is called inverse pterigión. Suele tener terminaciones nerviosas y sanguíneas, por lo que hay que dejarla en paz. Las aplicaciones regulares de un buen aceite para uñas ayudarán a mantenerlas flexibles y a que no se resequen.

¿Cómo se empuja hacia atrás el hiponiquio?

El hiponiquio no se empuja hacia atrás. Es un sello importante de la unidad de la uña y se debe dejar solo.

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre hiponiquio y eponiquio?

El hiponiquio es un sello fuerte en el extremo del dedo y bajo el borde libre. El eponychium es un área bajo el pliegue ungueal proximal que desprende las células muertas de la piel de la zona proximal pliegue ungueal llamada cutícula. La cutícula y el pliegue ungueal proximal forman otro sello fuerte e importante de la unidad ungueal.

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