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Monómero líquido y polímero en polvo (L&P)

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Líquido y polvo

Monómero líquido y polímero en polvo es un sistema de dos partes. La parte líquida contiene una mezcla de monómeros y un catalizadormientras que la parte de polvo contiene polímero perlas recubiertas de un iniciadora menudo con un color pigmento.

¿Qué hay en el sistema L&P?

Monómero líquido

Monómero significa unidades individuales de una molécula y el monómero líquido está lleno de estas unidades individuales de moléculas acrílicas. Cuando se exponen a un iniciador y a energía térmica, forman largas cadenas poliméricas. El monómero más común en L&P se llama metacrilato de etilo (EMA), un sofisticado monómero acrílico y otros aditivos específicos para controlar la polimerización mejorar el rendimiento del resultado final, la durabilidad y la vida útil del producto.

Cuando se combina con el polímero en polvo y se expone a la energía térmica (del aire que rodea la uña o a través del placa para clavos comienza el proceso de polimerización L&P, ya que los iniciadores térmicos del polímero en polvo se encuentran con los monómeros y hacen que se unan para crear largas cadenas poliméricas enmarañadas que incrustar las perlas de polímero dentro de un sólido recubrimiento de uñas.

Se elimina sumergiéndolo en acetona.

Polvo de polímero

Esta parte del sistema está formada por millones de pequeñas perlas polimerizadas. acrílicos. Cada perla actúa como portadora de ingredientes importantes, incluidos los iniciadores térmicos sensibles al calor, normalmente peróxido de benzoilo (BPO). Estas perlas de polímero proporcionan una resistencia adicional dentro de la uña revestimientoy ayudar a proporcionar estructura dentro del superponer.

Precauciones y problemas con L&P

Alérgico reacciones es uno de los principales problemas del sistema L&P, debido a la alérgenos contenida en el monómero líquido. Debe manipularse con cuidado y evitar el contacto con la piel. Se debe tener cuidado de conseguir siempre una cura adecuada de lo contrario, el cliente estará expuesto a los alérgenos durante la retirada. 

Un aspecto importante de la utilización del sistema L&P es la proporción de mezcla, es decir, la cantidad de monómero líquido y de polímero en polvo que se utiliza. Demasiado o muy poco polvo polimérico, o demasiado o muy poco monómero líquido, puede crear un recubrimiento de uñas demasiado débil o demasiado frágil.

Hay otro tipo de monómero líquido que se utiliza en algunos salones económicos, y que es MMA. Desgraciadamente, tiene una adherencia terrible a la uña, por lo que la placa de la uña tiene que ser profundamente grabada para hacer una superficie adecuada, el MMA es demasiado fuerte y demasiado inflexible, lo que significa que puede romperse llevándose la placa de la uña con él, también es más difícil de quitar. El EMA, aunque más caro que el MMA, es la mejor opción a largo plazo, con menos posibilidades de perder una clienta debido al daño infligido a sus uñas.

Cesta de la compra

One part of the liquid and powder system that is, infact, millions of tiny beads of a co-polymer. The initiator for the system is coated on the beads and often a colour.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_df05eb08db9e67ae0ee501e6714c6584":"


Single units of molecules \u2013 the building blocks of polymers and the polymerisation process. <\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_13066fdb60d2712e17ea38956219b412":"


Used in the polymerisation process to control the speed of the reaction.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_ef403bd75434b10377d9d3d2d525eb0c":"


Initiators are substances or compounds that trigger a chemical reaction, resulting in the polymerization process.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_88d65098fcabbcc4b28f8e8d076ac5d1":"

pigments, pigment dust\n

The term pigment refers to a colour added to a nail coating e.g. UV gel polish or traditional nail polish. It can also be used in its powder form, usually for nail art designs. Any product used on the nails must conform to the Cosmetic Regulations and be a cosmetically approved pigment.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_055b266ab1e48d4f25c57b5d254c804c":"


In the context of nail products, polymers are long chains of joined up monomers\/oligomers which solidify (polymerise) to create durable artificial nail coverings. All plastics are polymers but there are also many different types of polymers both synthetic and naturally occurring.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_e7fe600313d86a70b031fea5f2bbcb25":"

Ethyl methacrylate<\/div>

Ethyl methacrylate (EMA): A type of acrylic powder that is often used in nail enhancements.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_741e7b94c6a1da0ca4cda1089d6a6337":"


Polymerization in gel polish is a chemical process that occurs when the gel polish is exposed to UV or LED light. The gel polish contains monomers and oligomers that, when exposed to the light, crosslink with each other to form long chains of polymers.<\/p>\n

During the polymerization process, the gel polish transforms from a liquid or gel-like state into a solid, durable and glossy coating that adheres to the nails. The polymerization process allows the gel polish to cure quickly and create a strong bond with the natural nail.<\/p>\n

Once the polymerization process is complete, the gel polish becomes resistant to chipping, cracking and peeling, and can last for several weeks without the need for touch-ups. This makes it a popular choice for people looking for a long-lasting and low-maintenance manicure.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_a656a2a40632c1e29663156211bbc0bd":"

Nail coatings<\/div>

Any product used to coat a finger or toe nail for strength or to add length and\/or colour.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_1246a1b7fb9bed3e4702bd0168f71114":"

Nail plate<\/div>
Nail Plate\n

Hard layers of modified and keratinised skin cells, bonded together, to form a protective plate on the end of each finger and toe, that prevents damage to the underlying bone and allows for manual dexterity.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_0feaed3b66910e1ca5fc2a2031db83b4":"


Acetone is a common solvent. It is used to remove nail product coatings efficiently and quickly. It is also a byproduct of metabolism within the human body.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_231521da5fcc052dc866b21659a38182":"


A technique in which an object, such as a flower or glitter, is embedded into the nail enhancement material to create a decorative effect.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_a1f17f7b6c12911aab586fcc27ce999b":"

Liquid and Powder\n

A two-part nail enhancement system using polymer powder and monomer liquid, and applied using a sable brush.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_8200773f1b325a2108a28a9e8d0b3b4a":"

Benzoyl Peroxide<\/div>
Benzoyl Peroxide\n

An ingredient commonly used in many cosmetic products. It is the initiator used in the liquid monomer and powder polymer system and is coated onto the polymer powder beads. It requires the heat from the finger and ambient heat as the energy to start the polymerisation process.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_a68f74236daaba49448b9ed76c38a558":"

A huge family of chemicals that create plastics. It was, for many years, descriptive of the liquid monomer and powder polymer system of nail enhancements. However, many nail products are acrylics so the term is not accurate.<\/div>","cmtt_9aecd7e770e44995d0d43a85721341bb":"

In the context of 'nails', the structure is the creation of an overlay or an enhancement that provides the strongest 'structure' that depends on the length, shape, and aesthetic.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_010053c089a17f831365ec13343999d7":"


A coating in nail services terms is any product that is applied to the nail plate<\/a> and leaves a layer of product. It can be traditional nail polish, a strengthening product, a UV gel product, an L&P product.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_b5d73efce27fb2f036685d2e80018aad":"


An overlay describes a nail coating. It is commonly used to describe an enhanced nail e.g. tip and overlay where a plastic tip is applied to the natural nail plate and an 'overlay' applied to the nail plate and tip to create a longer enhanced nail. Or a 'natural nail overlay' where a coating is applied directly to the nail plate to give it strength and\/or colour.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_30be78fc8aa00cdff15d486c9cb56788":"

Monomer liquid<\/div>
Liquid and Powder\n

Monomer liquid is half of the 2 part nail enhancement system monomer liquid and polymer powder. The monomer when mixed with a matching powder polymer polymerises to create a nail overlay or nail enhancement. This polymerisation process needs heat energy from the ambient temperature to start and the monomer carries the catalyst that controls the speed of the process while the powder carries the initiatior.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_0506a8f91422e69ce467fd3507a8e7a4":"

Proper cure<\/div>

In a salon, when an artificial nail covering has achieved 90 percent polymerisation and has reached its intended strength, containing only very low levels of unreacted monomers, which is considered safe.<\/p>\n<\/div>","cmtt_e0d97b219a649705c5dec1e4bd630cd2":"