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Purpurinas y pigmentos

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Glitters and pigmentos are very widely used in decoración de uñas. What are the ways to use them for an aesthetically pleasing but safe result?

What are glitters?

Purpurina is a product used to create a sparkling or shimmering effect. Manufacturers begin with large thin sheets of plastic or aluminum and coat them with lacquers, paints, and metals – then cut out the individual pieces using a specially shaped press. Even though the pieces can be as small as 50 microns (0.002 inches) in size, each one has been precision-cut in the shape of squares, circles, rectangles, or hexagons.

What are pigments?

Pigments are colored powders that are completely or nearly insoluble in water. Profesionales de las uñas use them to change the color of a product or give a different effect to a finished application.

How do we use glitters and pigments?

Con esmalte de uñas

Uñas polaco is a quick air drying formulation that so many nail pros are, now, not used to using! But it is still relevant when wanting to use this technique.
If you can time the nail polish drying correctly, it is perfectly possible to add a pigment onto the tacky surface of nail polish without smudging it. Then just add a capa final
Glitter can be easily pressed into tacky nail polish. OR mix some loose glitter with a top coat and apply this way. Just be quick!!

Con UV esmalte en gel:

This is one of the most usual ways of creating designs with pigment or glitter.
Todos Gel UV polish colours or top coats will have an capa de inhibición, even if it is a ‘no wipe’ top coat! This is when you can apply pigment and glitter. They can be pressed into the inhibition layer or they can be burnished in. 

Things to be careful of: 

  • Both glitter and pigment can inhibit a cura adecuada of an uncured revestimiento
  • It is better to apply multiple thin coats of glitter to ensure a proper cure.
  • Leave a tiny free margin around the edge so the top coat can seal the design in.
  • You can premix glitter or pigment into a clear UV gel polish, but make sure there is no more than 30% which is the usual recommendation for achieving a proper cure of the coating.
  • There is no problem with getting these products on the skin as they are not alérgenos but be careful not to move any UV curado product on the skin.
  • Only use cosmetic glitters and pigments, and NOT craft versions. These can react with the product or the disolventes y crear una irritación o un reacción alérgica.

Con L&P:

Glitter or pigment can be mixed into the polímero en polvo before application.
Keep the mix to 30% or below to avoid blocking the polimerización.
Do not use the ratio too wet as this will result in undercured revestimientos.

Con Sculpting Gel:

Glitter or pigment can be mixed into the sculpting gel before application.
Keep the mix to 30% or below to avoid blocking the polymerisation.
For better curing, apply thin layers.

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